Man pages for bclroger/euparliament
Analysis of the EU Parliament elections of 2014 and 2019

elections_euEuropean Union's Parliament election results for 2014 and...
euparliamentEU Parliament elections of 2014 and 2019 Rpackage.
get_density_mapCreates a map with a gradient scale.
get_density_map2Creates a map with two gradients in the same scale.
get_mapCreates a map that shows which is the most voted political...
newgroupbyFunction that creates a data frame with political groups...
newpoligroupFunction that sums several columns into a single one and then...
percchangeGiven the total number of seats, it calculates the percentage...
percseatsFunction that calculates the percentage of possible seats per...
bclroger/euparliament documentation built on Jan. 26, 2020, 12:56 a.m.