Man pages for be-green/wrds
An R package for connecting to Wharton Research Data Services

check_schemaGet the schema of a set of tables
clean_schemaRemove all table items created by loading a schema
connect_to_wrdsCreate database connection to WRDS back-end databases
driverReturn correct version of PostgreSQL Driver
explore_schemaList all of the tables and columns available in a schema
list_columnsList columns of a table
list_schemasList all schemas that match an (optional) pattern
list_tablesList all tables, optionally a subset within a specific schema
load_schemaLoad all tables in a schema into an environment
overwrite_in_renvironOverwrite an existing variable in the .Renviron file
peekPeek at top n rows of a table
queryQuery connection with either a sql script or a string
read_if_fileCheck if string is actually a filename
refresh_renvironRefresh R environment variables
search_schemaSearch across schema for matching string
search_schema_for_columnSearch across schema tables for matching column
search_schema_for_tableSearch across schema for matching table
search_wrdsSearch WRDS website for documentation
set_wrds_passSet password for WRDS connection
set_wrds_userSet username for WRDS connection
stop_no_passError and suggest user set password
stop_no_userError and suggest user set username
wrds_passGet username for WRDS connection
wrds_userGet username for WRDS connection
be-green/wrds documentation built on Jan. 14, 2023, 8:44 a.m.