library(knitr) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE, cache = TRUE )
is a package designed to ease access to the EBI's
MGnify resource, allowing searching and
retrieval of multiple datasets for downstream analysis. While MGnify pipelines
are undoubtedly useful, as currently implemented they produce results on a
strictly per-sample basis. While some whole study results are available,
comparisons across studies are difficult. The MGnifyR
package is designed to
facilitate cross-study analyses by handling all the per-sample data retrieval
and merging details internally, leaving the user free to perform the analysis
as they see fit.
The latest version of MGnifyR seamlessly integrates with the miaverse framework providing access to tools in microbiome down-stream analytics. This integration enables users to leverage optimized and standardized methods for analyzing the microbiome. Additionally, users can benefit from a comprehensive tutorial book that offers valuable guidance and support.
is currently hosted on GitHub, and can be installed using via
. MGnifyR
should be built using the following snippet.
packageOnce installed, MGnifyR
is made available in the usual way.
All functions in MGnifyR
make use of a MgnifyClient
object to keep track
of the JSONAPI url, disk cache location and user access tokens. Thus the first
thing to do when starting any analysis is to instantiate this object. The
following snippet creates this.
mg <- MgnifyClient() mg
It's recommended that local caching is enabled with useCache = TRUE
. Queries
to the MGnify API can be quite slow, particularly when retrieving multipage
results for many analyses (such as many Interpro
results). Using a local
disk cache can significantly speed up subsequent work, bypassing the need to
re-query the API. Use of the cache should be entirely transparent, as the
caching occurs at the raw data level. The cache can persist across MGnifyR
sessions, and can even be used for multiple sessions simultaneously - provided
that different sets of accessions are queried at once.
Optionally, a username and password may be specified during client creation,
causing MGnifyR
to attempt retrieval of an authentication token from the API.
Doing so gives access to non-public results, such as those currently under an
author imposed embargo period.
mg <- MgnifyClient( username = "Webin-username", password = "your-password", useCache = TRUE)
gives users access to the complete range of search functionality
implemented in the MGnify JSON API. A single function doQuery()
is used to do
perform this searching, allowing Studies, Samples, Runs and Accession to be
interrogated from a common interface. As with all MGnifyR functions the first
argument client
must be a valid MgnifyClient
instance. The only remaining
required parameter is qtype
, specifying the type of data to be queried,
and may be one of studies
, samples
, runs
, analyses
or assemblies
Other general parameter include max.hits
Unlike most other MGnifyR
high level functions, caching is turned off by
default for doQuery()
. New data and analyses are being added to MGnify all the
time, so enabling caching by default may lead to out-of-date search results for
long-lived sessions. However, it's easy to switch back on, and may be useful in
many cases. Also, given the huge and ever increasing number of datasets
available in MGnify, a limit to the number of results returned may be set
using max.hits
. By default this is set to 200, which for most exploratory
queries should be sufficient. It may be increased or decreased by directly
specifying max.hits
, and disabled completely (no limit) by setting
In most cases we will want to be more specific about the search, and will
also use either an accession
parameter, or the many filter options available
through the API, and discussed below. Specifying an accession
id, which in
the case of samples
, runs
and assemblies
may be a vector of ids, returns
a data.frame of metadata with one row per matching accession.
If accession
(the default) then remaining parameters define the
filters applied by the API to the search result. Details of these parameters
are given in help(doQuery)
. By way of example though, supposing we are
interested in amplicon Illumina samples from the arctic, we might try the
following query:
northpolar <- doQuery( mg, "samples", latitude_gte=60.0, experiment_type="amplicon", biome_name="Soil", instrument_platform = "Illumina", max.hits = 10) head(northpolar)
Specifying an accession
parameter will restrict results to just those matching
that particular entry, be it a study, sample or run. For example, to retrieve
information for study "MGYS00002891":
study_samples <- doQuery(mg, "studies", accession="MGYS00002891") head(study_samples)
Having obtained a particular set of search hits, it's now time to retrieve the
associated results. General automated analysis is complicated by the MGnify
database design, wherein for example samples may be shared between multiple
studies, or studies analysed multiple times using different versions of the
pipeline. Navigating these "many-to-one" relationships can be tricky, so
resorts to using analyses
accessions as it's canonical identifier.
Each analysis corresponds to a single run of a particular pipeline on a single
sample in a single study. The downside of this approach is that queries
returning studies
, samples
(or anything other than analyses
) accessions
need converting to the corresponding analyses
therefore provides a helper function to handle this conversion -
. Following on from our previous search, we have a
list of study
accessions, so to convert to corresponding analyses
we use:
analyses_accessions <- searchAnalysis( mg, type="studies", accession = study_samples$accession) head(analyses_accessions)
A useful side effect of the above call is that some attribute metadata for each sample has now been retrieved and stored in the local cache. Thus subsequent API calls for these samples (which will occur multiple times in later steps) will be significantly faster.
It's important to be aware that the results of a searchAnalysis()
command will
not necessarily be a one-to-one match with the input accessions. MGnify
analysis runs are sometimes performed multiple times, perhaps using different
versions of the pipeline. Thus further filtering of the result list may be
required, but is easily performed and is illustrated in the next section.
At this point we have a long list of analysis instances (with potential
duplicates) corresponding to the samples previously found. We use the
function to download and combine all associated sample
, run
and study
metadata, which we then filter as required to include only the
rows we want.
analyses_metadata <- getMetadata(mg, analyses_accessions) head(analyses_metadata)
The resulting data.frame has columns with names prefixed with their source
type. For example, "sample_xxx" columns correspond to metadata gleaned from
querying an accession's sample
entry. MGnify allows quite flexible
specification of arbitray metadata at submission time, in many cases leading
to quite sparse data.frame
results if accession queries are sourced from more
than one study. For instance, if only one sample contains an entry for
"sample_soil_PH", entries for other rows will be filled with NA
. MGnifyR
does not automatically clean these missing values - instead opting to allow the
the user to choose the a correct action. The particular study we're looking at
is from the marine biome, suppose we were interested in only those samples or
analyses for which the sampling depth was known. The following snippet filters
the full data.frame
selecting only entries which contain a valid
. It's worth noting the as.numeric
call to ensure the column
is converted to numeric
type before it is checked. All sample data from
MGnifyR is initially retrieved as type character
, and it's up to the user to
make sure ostensibly numeric entries are converted properly.
known_depths <- analyses_metadata[ !$sample_depth)), ] # How many are left? dim(known_depths)
Having selected the analyses we wish to examine further, getResult()
is used
to both download associated OTU tables and taxonomy, and join all results
into a single r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("TreeSummarizedExperiment")
object. TreeSE is becoming a defacto standard for taxonomic abundance munging
in R. TreeSE
objects integrate abundance, taxonomic, phylogenetic, sample and
sequence data into a single object, with powerful facilities for filtering,
processing and plotting the results. Compared to
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
object, TreeSE
is more scalable and capable
for efficient data analysis.
framework is developed around TreeSE
data container. It provides
tools for analysis and visualization. Moreover, it includes a comprehensive
tutorial book called OMA.
When the dataset includes amplicon sequencing data, i.e., the dataset does not
include function predictions, getResult()
method returns the dataset as a
by default. See other output types from the function documentation.
tse <- getResult(mg, accession = analyses_accessions, get.func = FALSE) tse
object is uniquely positioned to support
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("SummarizedExperiment")
microbiome data manipulation and visualization. Moreover, it enables access
to miaverse
tools. For example, we can estimate diversity of samples.
library(mia) tse <- estimateDiversity(tse, index = "shannon") library(scater) plotColData(tse, "shannon", x = "")
library(miaViz) plotAbundance( tse[! rowData(tse)[["Kingdom"]] ), ], rank = "Kingdom", as.relative = TRUE )
If needed, TreeSE
can be converted to phyloseq
pseq <- makePhyloseqFromTreeSE(tse) pseq
Although the previous queries have been based on the results from doQuery()
from now on we will concentrate on combining and comparing results from
specific studies. Since newly performed analyses are retrieved first in the
call, it's likely that by the time this vignette is read, the query
results will be different. This is principally due to the rapid increase in
MGnify submissions, leading to a potential lack of consistency between even
closely spaced queries. As mentioned previously, it may be best to use
from MgnifyCLient
object for doQuery()
calls, to ensure
queries are actually returning the latest data.
For the remainder of this vignette however, we'll be comparing 3 ostensibly different studies. A study of saltmarsh soils from York University, human faecal samples from a survey of healthy Sardinians, and a set of samples from hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Cayman rise in the Carribbean Sea. To simplify things, only the first 20 samples from each study will be used. Furthermore, the intention is only to demonstrate the functionality of the MGnifyR package, rather than produce scientifically rigorous results.
soil <- searchAnalysis(mg, "studies", "MGYS00001447") human <- searchAnalysis(mg, "studies", "MGYS00001442") marine <- searchAnalysis(mg, "studies", "MGYS00001282") # Combine analyses all_accessions <- c(soil, human, marine) head(all_accessions)
The first step with this new accession list is, as previously, to retrieve the
associated metadata using getMetadata()
, and as seen with the
results, the returned data.frame
contains a large number of
columns. Being autogenerated and flexible, the column names can be a little
difficult to predict, but examining colnames(full_metadata)
should make
things clearer.
full_metadata <- getMetadata(mg, all_accessions) colnames(full_metadata) head(full_metadata)
From full_metadata
we get an idea of the type of data we're dealing with,
and can extract useul information such as sequencing platform, source biome,
etc. The next code snippet tallies a few of these columns to give an idea about
what's available. The boxplot also indicates that while within study read
counts are similar, we probably need to use some sort of normalization
procedure when comparing across samples. We might also want to drop
particularly low read coverage samples from further analysis.
# Load ggplot2 library(ggplot2) #Distribution of sample source material: table(full_metadata$`sample_environment-material`) #What sequencing machine(s) were used? table(full_metadata$`sample_instrument model`) # Boxplot of raw read counts: ggplot( full_metadata, aes(x=study_accession, y=log( as.numeric(`analysis_Submitted nucleotide sequences`)))) + geom_boxplot(aes(group=study_accession)) + theme_bw() + ylab("log(submitted reads)")
Again, we can fetch the data by calling getResult()
. bulk.dl=TRUE
has the
potential to significantly speed up data retrieval. MGnify makes its
functional results available in two separate ways, either on a per-analysis
basis through the web api, or at the whole study level as large files,
tab separated (TSV), and with columns representing the results for each
analysis. When bulk.dl
, MGnifyR
queries the web api to get
results which (given some functional analyses results may consist of
thousands of entries) may take significant time. Setting bulk.dl
causes MGnifyR
to determine the source study associated with a
particular analysis
and to instead download and parse its corresponding
results file. Since this result file contains entries for all analyses
associated with the study, by taking advantage of MGnifyR
's local caching
this single download provides results for many future analyses. In some cases
this affords several orders of magnitude speedup over the api query case.
Unfortunately, column entries in the per-study results files do not always
directly correspond to those from a particular analysis run, causing the
retrieval to fail. The principal cause of this is believed to be the running
of multiple analyses jobs on the same sample. Thus for reliability, bulk.dl
by default. As a general recommendation though, you should try
setting it TRUE
the first time getResult()
is used on a
set of accessions. If this fails, setting bulk.dl
will enable the
more robust approach allowing the analysis to continue. It might take a while
though. Hopefully in the future the sample/analysis correspondence mismatches
will be fixed and the default bulk.dl
will be switch to TRUE
mae <- getResult(mg, all_accessions, bulk.dl = TRUE) mae
For metagenomic samples, the result is
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("MultiAssayExperiment")
) which
links multiple TreeSE
objects into one dataset. These TreeSE
objects include
taxonomic profiling data along with functional data in unique objects. Each
objects is linked with each other by their sample names. You can get access
to individual object or experiment by specifying index or name.
We can perform principal component analysis to microbial profiling data by utilizing miaverse tools.
# Apply relative transformation mae[[1]] <- transformAssay(mae[[1]], method = "relabundance") # Perform PCoA mae[[1]] <- runMDS( mae[[1]], assay.type = "relabundance", FUN = vegan::vegdist, method = "bray") # Plot plotReducedDim(mae[[1]], "MDS", colour_by = "sample_environment.feature")
While getResult()
can be utilized to retrieve microbial profiling data,
can be used more flexibly to retrieve any kind of data from the
database. It returns data as simple data.frame or list format.
kegg <- getData( mg, type = "kegg-modules", accession = "MGYA00642773", accession.type = "analyses") head(kegg)
Finally, we can use searchFile()
and getFile()
to retrieve other MGnify
pipeline outputs such as merged sequence reads, assembled contigs, and details
of the functional analyses. searchFile()
is a simple wrapper function
which, when supplied a list of accessions, finds the urls of the files we're
after. In most cases we'll want to filter the returned list down to only the
files of interest, which is easily done on the resulting data.frame object.
In addition to the actual download location (the download_url
extra columns include file type, contents and compression. It's recommended
that the colnames
of the data.frame
be examined to get a grasp on the
available metadata. To demonstrate the process, the code below retrieves
a data.frame containing all available downloads for each accession we've been
examining previously. It then filters this to retain only those files
corresponding retain the annotated amino acid sequence files.
# Find list of available downloads dl_urls <- searchFile( mg, full_metadata$analysis_accession, type = "analyses") # Filter table target_urls <- dl_urls[ dl_urls$attributes.description.label == "Predicted CDS with annotation", ] head(target_urls)
To list the types of available files, and guide the filtering, something like the following might be useful.
Unlike other MGnifyR
functions, searchFile()
is not limited to
, and by specifying accession_type
other results types may be
found. For instance, while general genome
functionality is not yet
integrated into MGnifyR
, we can retrieve associated files for a particular
accession with the following:
genome_urls <- searchFile(mg, "MGYG000433953", type = "genomes") genome_urls[ , c("id", "", "download_url")]
Having found the a set of target urls, the final step is to use
to actually retrieve the file. Unlike other functions, this only
works with a single url location at once, so each entry in target_urls
above must be downloaded individually - easily done by either looping or
ing over the list.
If the files are intended to be used with external programs, it might be
easiest to provide a file
parameter to the function call, which specifies
a local filename for writing the file. By default MGnifyR
will use the local
cache, which can make getting to the file afterwards more awkward. Regardless,
the default behaviour of getFile()
is to retrieve the file specified in the
parameter url
, save it to disk, and return the filepath it was saved to.
# Just select a single file from the target_urls list for demonstration. # Default behavior - use local cache. cached_location1 = getFile(mg, target_urls$download_url[[1]]) # Specifying a file cached_location2 <- getFile( mg, target_urls$download_url[[1]]) cached_location <- c(cached_location1, cached_location2) # Where are the files? cached_location
A second download option is available, which allows built-in parsing of the
file. If we know ahead of time what processing will be performed, it may be
possible to integrate it into a function, pass this function to
as the read.func
argument. The function in question should
take a single argument (the complete path name of the locally downloaded file)
and the result of the call will be returned in place of the usual output
file name.
Alternatively the files could first be downloaded in the standard way, and
then processed using this same function in a loop. Therefore in many cases
the read.func
parameter is redundant. However, many of the outputs from
MGnify can be quite large, meaning local storage of many files may become an
issue. By providing a read_func
parameter (and necessarily setting from
object: useCache=FALSE
) analysis of a large number of datasets
may be possible with minimal storage requirements.
To illustrate, suppose we were interested in retrieving all detected sequences
matching a particular PFAM motif in a set of analyses. The simple function
below uses the Biostrings
package to read an amino acid fasta file, searches
for a matching PFAM tag in the sequence name, and then tallies up the unique
sequences into a single data.frame row. In this case the PFAM motif identifies
sequences coding for the amoC gene, found in both ammonia and methane
oxidizing organisms, but any other filtering method could be used.
library(Biostrings) # Simple function to a count of unique sequences matching PFAM amoC/mmoC motif getAmoCseqs <- function(fname){ sequences <- readAAStringSet(fname) tgtvec <- grepl("PF04896", names(sequences))[tgtvec])))) }
Having defined the function, it just remains to include it in the call to
# Just download a single accession for demonstration, specifying a read_function amoC_seq_counts <- getFile( mg, target_urls$download_url[[1]], read_func = getAmoCseqs) amoC_seq_counts
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.