Man pages for beanumber/fertile
Creating Optimal Conditions for Reproducibility

add_shimAdd a function to the list of functions that get checked for...
char_or_symUtility function
check_from_zipTest projects in ZIP files
check_is_dirCheck whether a provided path is a directory
check_is_fileCheck whether a provided path is a file
check_pathCheck paths for portability
check_path_safeRuns check_path, but will only work interactively and cannot...
check_path_shimCheck paths for portability
dangerOverride functions masked by fertile and run from the...
dot-onAttachLoad shims into environment when fertile is attached
dot-onDetachRemove shims from environment when fertile is detached
find_all_shimmable_functionsFind the names of all shimmable functions within the list of...
find_pkg_shimmable_functionsFind the names of all functions that are potentially...
find_pkgs_recFind packages
flat_map_chrUtility function
function_nameSub-function to help disable_added_shims operate: #2
get_shim_codeGenerate the code associated with writing a shim
has_renderedUtility function to check whether a project has been updated...
interactive_log_onUtility function to help w/ controlling interactive logging...
is_assignSub-function to help disable_added_shims operate: #3
is_data_fileTest whether a given path is to a data file
is_functionSub-function to help disable_added_shims operate: #1
is_image_fileTest whether a given path is to an image file
is_r_fileTest whether a given path is to an R file
is_text_fileTest whether a given path is to a text file
log_pushLogging and reporting of file paths
log_reportLogging and reporting of file paths
log_touchCreate a new log file and return the path to the log
make_checkCreate a fertile check object
print_one_checkPrint a check function output
proj_badgesGet reproducibility badges for a project
proj_checkReproducbility checks
proj_dependency_reportReturn a sessionInfo() style report of the packages/software...
proj_pkg_scriptGenerate an R script to install all of the packages required...
proj_renderRender files in a project directory to update the render log...
proj_rootFind the project root, but always return something
proj_testAnalyze project for reproducibility
req_codeExtract requirements from code
req_fileExtract requirements from a file
req_file_rFile requirements
req_file_rmdRmd requirements
req_file_rnwRnw requirements
req_textRead text for requirements
rmd_chunksRead chunks
sandboxUtility function to create a copy of a project in a temp...
shimsShims for common input/output functions, used to create log...
takes_path_argReturn name of a given function's file path-related argument
to_executeload a list of packages and export the session info of them
beanumber/fertile documentation built on April 17, 2021, 4:33 a.m.