
An R wrapper for CanIStream.It API

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. CRAN_Status_Badge CRAN Total Downloads

CanIStream.It is a free service created by Urban Pixels that allows you to search across the most popular streaming, rental, and purchase services to find where a movie is available.



To use the development version:

# install.packages("remotes")


You can look up streaming/rental/purchase/etc. options for a movie by using can_i_stream_it(), which requires the movie's title and the media type:

can_i_stream_it("Love Actually", "streaming")
# Found more than one movie matching 'Love Actually'
# Defaulting to first result: Love Actually (2003) [4e79a720f5f8071e7e000000]

|friendly_name |external_id | price|direct_url |short_url |last_checked | |:---------------|:-----------|-----:|:---------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------|:-------------------| |Netflix Instant |60031262 | 0| | |2017-01-12 15:24:57 |

Behind the scenes, it uses find_movie() to fetch the movie's ID. In case of multiple matches, it defaults to the first result. You can call it directly:

find_movie("Toy Story")[, c("title", "year", "movie_id")]

|title | year|movie_id | |:--------------------------|----:|:------------------------| |Toy Story | 1995|4eb04731f5f807d30f000012 | |Toy Story 2 | 1999|4eb04731f5f807d30f000011 | |Toy Story of Terror! | 2013|52507c01f5f807682d000004 | |Toy Story of Terror! | 2013|52768d6951cf33b20f73791c | |Toy Story That Time Forgot | 2014|5474f881a3f5ec3f71b6c06b | |Toy Story 3 | 2010|4eb044b8f5f807167c00000e | |A Syrian Love Story | 2015|55f8a7d2f5f807cd2cbb379f |

And then pick a specific movie_id to give to can_i_stream_id():

# Toy Story (1995)
can_i_stream_id("4eb04731f5f807d30f000012", "rental")

|friendly_name |external_id |price |direct_url |short_url |last_checked | |:-------------------|:-----------------|:-----|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------|:-------------------| |Amazon Video Rental |B005ZMV2EQ |2.99 | | |2017-01-12 11:38:23 | |Apple iTunes Rental |188703840 |2.99 | | |2017-01-12 11:38:25 | |Youtube Rental |c3986gGp3Qs |2.99 | | |2017-01-12 11:38:24 | |Google Play Rental |movie-c3986gGp3Qs |2.99 | | |2017-01-12 11:38:24 |

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bearloga/cablecuttr documentation built on March 7, 2020, 11:03 a.m.