
The goal of rportr is to streamline the building of parameterized reports, including setup, table generation, and handling complex project directories.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Reading in data

This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

Say you have a ./data directory in your project, full of a mix of text files and RDS files. How to read all of them at once and assign them descriptive names?

Let’s create a directory to demonstrate it. youtube

write.csv(mtcars, "./data/mtcars.csv")
saveRDS(iris, "./data/iris.rds", compress = FALSE)

The directory above takes the following structure:

-- data
---- mtcars.csv
---- iris.rds

Now we will use read_directory to read in the file and assign variable names based on the file name.

#> File ./data/iris.rds assigned to variable: iris
#> Warning: Missing column names filled in: 'X1' [1]
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
#>   X1 = col_character(),
#>   mpg = col_double(),
#>   cyl = col_double(),
#>   disp = col_double(),
#>   hp = col_double(),
#>   drat = col_double(),
#>   wt = col_double(),
#>   qsec = col_double(),
#>   vs = col_double(),
#>   am = col_double(),
#>   gear = col_double(),
#>   carb = col_double()
#> )
#> File ./data/mtcars.csv assigned to variable: mtcars

Setting up a project directory

Formatting data for kable

beaulucas/rportr documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 12:03 a.m.