
The SEMCMC package implements a number of spatial econometrics models (LeSage and Pace, 2009)) that can be fitted using MCMC with rjags or rstan.

Spatial Econometrics Models

Spatial econometrics models are a family of spatially autocorrelated models where spatial autocorrelation can be on the responde, the error term or both. The study region is divied into $n$ non-overlapping regions and the aim is to model a vecotr of responses $y = (y_1,\ldots,y_n)$ using $k$ covariates. The matrix of covariates $X$ is then a matrix of dimension $n \times k$. Also, adjacency is defined by an adjacency matrix $W$, which will row-standardised.

The first model that we will introduce is the spatial error model (SEM), which is an autocorrelated model on the response:

$$ y = X \beta + u;\ u = \rho W u + e;\ e \sim N(0, \sigma^2 I) $$

Note that the error term $u$ is spatially autocorrelated with spatial autocorrelation parameter being $\lambda$.

This model can be re-written as

$$ y = X \beta + u;\ u \sim N\left(0, \sigma^2[(I -\lambda W^{\intercal})(I-\lambda W)]^{-1}\right) $$

Similarly, the spatial lag model (SLM) is a spatially autocorrelated model on the response:

$$ y = \rho W y + X \beta + e; e \sim N(0, \sigma^2 I) $$

This model can be also written as

$$ y = (I - \rho W) ^{-1} X\beta + u; u \sim N\left(0, \sigma^2[(I -\rho W^{\intercal})(I-\rho W)]^{-1}\right) $$

The spatial Durbin model (SDM) is a SLM model with lagged-covariates $WX$:

$$ y = (I - \rho W) ^{-1} (X\beta + W X \gamma)+ u; u \sim N\left(0, \sigma^2[(I -\rho W^{\intercal})(I-\rho W)]^{-1}\right) $$

Finally the general spatial model (SAC) is a model that includes autocorrelated terms on the error and the reponse:

$$ y = \rho W y + X \beta + \ u = \rho W u + e;\ e \sim N(0, \sigma^2 I) $$

The SAC model can be rewritten as

$$ y = (I - \rho W) ^{-1} X\beta + u; u \sim N\left(0, \sigma^2[(I -\rho W^{\intercal}) (I -\lambda W^{\intercal})(I-\lambda W) (I-\rho W)]^{-1}\right) $$

In addition, the SAC model can include lagged covariates, so that it becomes:

$$ y = (I - \rho W) ^{-1} (X\beta + W X \gamma) + u; u \sim N\left(0, \sigma^2[(I -\rho W^{\intercal}) (I -\lambda W^{\intercal})(I-\lambda W) (I-\rho W)]^{-1}\right) $$

The SLX model is essentially a SEM model with lagged covariates:

$$ y = X\beta + W X \gamma + u;\ u \sim N\left(0, \sigma^2[(I -\lambda W^{\intercal})(I-\lambda W)]^{-1}\right) $$

In addition to these spatial econometrics models, SEMCMCalso implements the proper CAR model on the error term:

$$ y = X\beta + u; u \sim N\left(0, \sigma^2(I-\lambda W)^{-1}\right) $$

Bayesian inference with the SEMCMC package

The SEMCMC includes an implementation of these models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods with jags and Stan. So far, available models are SEM, SLM, SDM, SAC, SAC with lagged covariates and SLX for a Gaussian response.

Models are fitted with a call to SEMCMC() and it allows the following:

Non-linear models will be implemented soon and some are already available for jags.

The priors used for the parameters are as follows:

Other priors could be easily used by modifying the model definitions (available under SEMCMC/inst).

Example: Columbus (OH) dataset

In this example we will use the columbus dataset to illustrate the use of the SEMCMC function to fit Bayesian spatial econometrics models. This dataset is available in the spdep package and it contains informatin about 49 neighbourhoods in Columbus, OH, in 1980.

In particular, we will be using the following three variables:

The aim is to model crime rates on housing value and crime using different models.

First of all, data needs to be loaded and the adjacency matrix converted into a matrix $W$:


W <- nb2mat(, style = "W")

Next, the response variable and covariates are set using a formula:

m.form <-  CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL

This formula will be used in all the models that we fit below.

#Load precomputed results

In the follwoing examples, we willbe fittind models SEM, SDM and SAC with lagged covariates. Other models can be fitted in a similar way by setting argument model to the appropriate value. See the manual page of SEMCMC for some examples.

SEM model

We will start with the SEM model, using both jags and stan:

sem.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sem", sampler = "jags", n.burnin = 2000, n.iter = 200, n.thin = 25)
sem.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sem", sampler = "stan", n.burnin = 2000, n.iter = 200, n.thin = 25)

By default, the number of burn-in iterations is 1000 and the number of iterations for inference is 1000 with no thinning.

Note how the only difference is in sampler. In addition, we will use maximum likelihood to fit this model so that we can compare the different estimates:

#Maximum likelihood
#Adjacacy matrix as a list of weights (see 'listw')
lw <- nb2listw(, style="W") <- errorsarlm(m.form, data = columbus, lw, method="eigen", 
  quiet = TRUE)
#Some useful functions...

#stan2coda, by Ben Goodrich
stan2coda <- function(fit) {
     mcmc.list(lapply(1:ncol(fit), function(x) mcmc(as.array(fit)[,x,])))

#Summary output of jags output
summary_output <- function (fit, func) {
  apply(SEMCMC:::jags2coda(fit)[[1]], 2, mean)

The point estimates of the parameters for the SEM model are available in the following table:

#SEM summary output

tab.sem <- data.frame(JAGS = summary_output(sem.jags$results, mean))
tab.sem$STAN <- summary(stan2coda(sem.stan$results))$stat[1:5, 1]
tab.sem$ML <- c($coefficients,$lambda, 1/$s2)

#Update covariate names
var.names <- names($coefficients)
row.names(tab.sem)[1:length(var.names)] <- var.names 


SDM model

sdm.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sdm", sampler = "jags", n.burnin = 2000, n.iter = 200, n.thin = 25)
sdm.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sdm", sampler = "stan", n.burnin = 2000, n.iter = 200, n.thin = 25)
#ML <- lagsarlm(m.form, data = columbus, lw, type = "mixed", 
  method = "eigen", quiet = TRUE)

For the spatial Durbin model, the point estimates are the following:

#SDM summary output
tab.sdm <- data.frame(JAGS = summary_output(sdm.jags$results, mean))
tab.sdm$STAN <- summary(stan2coda(sdm.stan$results))$stat[1:7, 1]
tab.sdm$ML <- c($coefficients,$rho, 1/$s2)

#Update covariate names
var.names <- names($coefficients)
row.names(tab.sdm)[1:length(var.names)] <- var.names


SAC model with lagged covariates

sacmixed.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sacmixed",
  sampler = "jags", n.burnin = 2000, n.iter = 200, n.thin = 25)
sacmixed.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sacmixed",
  sampler = "stan", n.burnin = 2000, n.iter = 200, n.thin = 25)
#ML <- sacsarlm(m.form, data = columbus, lw, type = "sacmixed", 
  method = "eigen", quiet = TRUE)

The point estimats of the parameters in the model for the SAC model with lagged covariates are:

#SAC mixed summary output
tab.sacmixed <- data.frame(JAGS = summary_output(sacmixed.jags$results, mean))
tab.sacmixed$STAN <- summary(stan2coda(sacmixed.stan$results))$stat[1:8, 1]
tab.sacmixed$ML <- c($coefficients,$lambda,$rho, 1/$s2)

#Update covariate names
var.names <- names($coefficients)
row.names(tab.sacmixed)[1:length(var.names)] <- var.names



Computation of the impacts is available for all implemented models via the impacts() function. This will provide point estimates (i.e., posterior means) and posterior standard deviations of the impacts.

SEM model


SDM model

spdep::impacts(, listw = lw)

SAC model with lagged covariates

spdep::impacts(, listw = lw)

becarioprecario/SEjags documentation built on March 6, 2021, 5:42 a.m.