Man pages for beckerbenj/eatAnalysis
Convenience function for various analysis types

aggregateDataOldAggregate variables to items and/or scales.
aggregateDataOldLAggregate variables to items and/or scales in long format...
convertLabelTransform SPSS variable and value labels.
copyScanSelectionCopy booklet scan selection to desired directory
createLabelListCreates a data.frame with variable and value labels from...
createLoginXmlCreates xml login files from data.frame for computer-based...
createSpssSyntaxSnippetPrepare SPSS syntax to transfer variable and value labels...
df2tex_xtableCreate latex table code.
get.lmer.effectsExtract results
get.lmer.effects.forBootMer'get.lmer.effects' for bootstrap
intGenGenerate interaction terms for 'lm' formulas
item.logitSimulates 1PL or 2PL responses
loadRdataLikeRDSReload Saved rda or Rdata Datasets and assign them to a new...
pretty_tableCreate a standard frequency table.
prop_tableCreate a standard relative frequency table.
prop_table_by_and_allCreate a standard relative frequency table.
read_xlsxRead an '.xlsx' file.
save.lmer.effectsSave lme4-output to disc
transferAttributesTransfer attributes from a origin data.frame to a target...
unzip.waUnzip files into desired directory
update_xlsxUpdate an '.xlsx' file.
write_xlsxSave to '.xlsx'.
wtdHetcorWeighted heterogeneous correlation matrix.
beckerbenj/eatAnalysis documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:21 a.m.