Man pages for bedatadriven/renjin-matrix
Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods

abIndex-classClass "abIndex" of Abstract Index Vectors
abIseqSequence Generation of "abIndex", Abstract Index Vectors
all.equal-methodsMatrix Package Methods for Function all.equal()
all-methods"Matrix" Methods for Functions all() and any()
atomicVector-classVirtual Class "atomicVector" of Atomic Vectors
bandExtract bands of a matrix
bandSparseConstruct Sparse Banded Matrix from (Sup-/Super-) Diagonals
bdiagConstruct a Block Diagonal Matrix
boolean-matprodBoolean Arithmetic Matrix Products: '%&%' and Methods
BunchKaufman-methodsBunch-Kaufman Decomposition Methods
CAexAlbers' example Matrix with "Difficult" Eigen Factorization
cBindVersions of 'cbind' and 'rbind' recursively built on...
CHMfactor-classCHOLMOD-based Cholesky Factorizations
cholCholeski Decomposition - 'Matrix' S4 Generic and Methods
chol2inv-methodsInverse from Choleski or QR Decomposition - Matrix Methods
CholeskyCholesky Decomposition of a Sparse Matrix
Cholesky-classCholesky and Bunch-Kaufman Decompositions
colSumsForm Row and Column Sums and Means
compMatrix-classClass "compMatrix" of Composite (Factorizable) Matrices
condestCompute Approximate CONDition number and 1-Norm of (Large)...
CsparseMatrix-classClass "CsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Column-compressed...
ddenseMatrix-classVirtual Class "ddenseMatrix" of Numeric Dense Matrices
ddiMatrix-classClass "ddiMatrix" of Diagonal Numeric Matrices
denseMatrix-classVirtual Class "denseMatrix" of All Dense Matrices
dgCMatrix-classCompressed, sparse, column-oriented numeric matrices
dgeMatrix-classClass "dgeMatrix" of Dense Numeric (S4 Class) Matrices
dgRMatrix-classSparse Compressed, Row-oriented Numeric Matrices
dgTMatrix-classSparse matrices in triplet form
DiagonalCreate Diagonal Matrix Object
diagonalMatrix-classClass "diagonalMatrix" of Diagonal Matrices
diagU2NTransform Triangular Matrices from Unit Triangular to General...
dMatrix-class(Virtual) Class "dMatrix" of "double" Matrices
dpoMatrix-classPositive Semi-definite Dense Numeric Matrices
drop0Drop "Explicit Zeroes" from a Sparse Matrix
dsCMatrix-classNumeric Symmetric Sparse (column compressed) Matrices
dsparseMatrix-classVirtual Class "dsparseMatrix" of Numeric Sparse Matrices
dsRMatrix-classSymmetric Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
dsyMatrix-classSymmetric Dense Numeric Matrices
dtCMatrix-classTriangular, (compressed) sparse column matrices
dtpMatrix-classPacked Triangular Dense Matrices - "dtpMatrix"
dtrMatrix-classTriangular, dense, numeric matrices
dtRMatrix-class-defTriangular Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
expandExpand a Decomposition into Factors
expmMatrix Exponential
externalFormatsRead and write external matrix formats
facmulMultiplication by Decomposition Factors
forceSymmetricForce a Matrix to 'symmetricMatrix' Without Symmetry Checks
formatSparseMFormatting Sparse Numeric Matrices Utilities
generalMatrix-classClass "generalMatrix" of General Matrices
graph2TConversions "graph" <-> (sparse) Matrix
HilbertGenerate a Hilbert matrix
image-methodsMethods for image() in Package 'Matrix'
index-classVirtual Class "index" - Simple Class for Matrix Indices
indMatrix-classIndex Matrices
invPermInverse Permutation Vector, is.infinite() Methods for 'Matrix' Objects
is.null.DNAre the Dimnames 'dn' NULL-like ?
isSymmetric-methodsMethods for Function isSymmetric in Package 'Matrix'
isTriangularisTriangular() and isDiagonal() Methods
KhatriRaoKhatri-Rao Matrix Product
KNexKoenker-Ng Example Sparse Model Matrix and Response Vector
kronecker-methodsMethods for Function 'kronecker()' in Package 'Matrix'
ldenseMatrix-classVirtual Class "ldenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
ldiMatrix-classClass "ldiMatrix" of Diagonal Logical Matrices
lgeMatrix-classClass "lgeMatrix" of General Dense Logical Matrices
lsparseMatrix-classesSparse logical matrices
lsyMatrix-classSymmetric Dense Logical Matrices
ltrMatrix-classTriangular Dense Logical Matrices
lu(Generalized) Triangular Decomposition of a Matrix
LU-classLU (dense) Matrix Decompositions
MatrixConstruct a Classed Matrix
Matrix-classVirtual Class "Matrix" Class of Matrices
MatrixClassThe Matrix (Super-) Class of a Class
MatrixFactorization-classClass "MatrixFactorization" of Matrix Factorizations
matrix-productsMatrix (Cross) Products (of Transpose)
ndenseMatrix-classVirtual Class "ndenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
nearPDNearest Positive Definite Matrix
ngeMatrix-classClass "ngeMatrix" of General Dense Nonzero-pattern Matrices
nMatrix-classClass "nMatrix" of Non-zero Pattern Matrices
nnzeroThe Number of Non-Zero Values of a Matrix
normMatrix Norms
nsparseMatrix-classesSparse "pattern" Matrices
nsyMatrix-classSymmetric Dense Nonzero-Pattern Matrices
ntrMatrix-classTriangular Dense Logical Matrices
number-classClass "number" of Possibly Complex Numbers
pMatrix-classPermutation matrices
printSpMatrixFormat and Print Sparse Matrices Flexibly
qr-methodsQR Decomposition - S4 Methods and Generic
rankMatrixRank of a Matrix
rcondEstimate the Reciprocal Condition Number
rep2abIReplicate Vectors into 'abIndex' Result
replValue-classVirtual Class "replValue" - Simple Class for subassignment...
rleDiff-classClass "rleDiff" of rle(diff(.)) Stored Vectors
rsparsematrixRandom Sparse Matrix
RsparseMatrix-classClass "RsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Column-compressed...
SchurSchur Decomposition of a Matrix
Schur-classClass "Schur" of Schur Matrix Factorizations
solve-methodsMethods in Package Matrix for Function 'solve()'
sparseLU-classSparse LU decomposition of a square sparse matrix
sparseMatrixGeneral Sparse Matrix Construction from Nonzero Entries
sparseMatrix-classVirtual Class "sparseMatrix" - Mother of Sparse Matrices
SparseM-convSparse Matrix Coercion from and to those from package...
sparse.model.matrixConstruct Sparse Design / Model Matrices
sparseQR-classSparse QR decomposition of a sparse matrix
sparseVectorSparse Vector Construction from Nonzero Entries
sparseVector-classSparse Vector Classes
spMatrixSparse Matrix Constructor From Triplet
Subassign-methodsMethods for "[<-" - Assigning to Subsets for 'Matrix'
symmetricMatrix-classVirtual Class of Symmetric Matrices in Package Matrix
symmpartSymmetric Part and Skew(symmetric) Part of a Matrix
triangularMatrix-classVirtual Class of Triangular Matrices in Package Matrix
TsparseMatrix-classClass "TsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Triplet Form
uniqTsparseUnique TsparseMatrix Representations
unpackRepresentation of Packed and Unpacked (Dense) Matrices
unused-classesVirtual Classes Not Yet Really Implemented and Used
updownUp- and Down-Dating a Cholesky Decomposition
USCountiesUSCounties Contiguity Matrix
wrld_1degWorld 1-degree grid contiguity matrix
Xtrct-methodsMethods for "[": Extraction or Subsetting in Package 'Matrix'
bedatadriven/renjin-matrix documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:05 a.m.