Man pages for belasi01/Cops
C-OPS Processing

clean.cops.fileThis function cleans the COPS casts, includings those...
compute.Ksurf.linearExtrapolate vertical profile of a radiometric quantity (EdZ,...
compute.PARzCompute PAR at depth from surface irradiance (Ed0+) and... to convert the COPS time in UTC in 24h format file
cops.detection.limitUpdate the COPS instrument detection limit table
cops.goCOPS routine launcher
etirrExtraterrestrial Solar Irradiance (F0) from Thuillier
generate.cops.DBGenerate an AOPs data base derived from COPS light profiles...
orbexCorrection factor for Sun-Earth distance variation thoughout...
plot.all.bottom.spectraThis function finds all cast .RData files in the station...
plot.all.Kd.RrsThis function finds and calls a specified plotting function...
plot.bottom.spectraThis function makes a plot of the upwelling and downwelling...
plot.Rrs.Kd.for.stationThis function plot the replicates of Rrs and the integrated...
possolSolar position as a function of date and time UTC and...
process.copsThis the main function of the Cops package and is called by...
Q.and.f.factorsRetrieve the Q factor
QWIPQWIP: A Quantitative Metric for Quality Control of Aquatic...
read.COPSRead Compact Optical Profiling System (COPS) files in both...
varEntryDialogThis function will create a tcl/tk dialog box to get user...
belasi01/Cops documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 6:52 a.m.