Man pages for ben519/mltools
Machine Learning Tools

alientestAlien test dataset
alientrainAlien training dataset
auc_rocArea Under the ROC Curve
bin_dataMap a vector of numeric values into bins
date_factorDate Factor
empirical_cdfEmpirical Cumulative Distribution Function
explore_datasetExplore Dataset
exponential_weightExponential Weight
foldsCross Validation Folds
geometric_weightGeometric Weight
gini_impuritiesGini Impurities
gini_impurityGini Impurity
mccMatthews correlation coefficient
mseMean Square Error
msleMean Square Logarithmic Error
one_hotOne Hot Encode
relative_positionRelative Position
replace_naReplace NA Values
rmseRoot Mean Square Error
rmsleRoot Mean Square Logarithmic Error
roc_scoresROC scores
set_factorSet Factor
ben519/mltools documentation built on Sept. 22, 2021, 4:30 p.m.