Man pages for benaug/move.HMM
Fit HMM and HSMM animal movement models

DistributionsParameter transformations and distribution functions
dlnorm3Shifted lognormal pdf
dshiftnegbinShifted negative binomial pdf
dshiftpoisShifted Poisson pdf
dwrpnormWrapped normal pdf
dzanegbinZero-altered Negative Binomial PDF
gen.GammaGenerate t.p.m. to approximate HSMM with HMM
HMM.plotPlot a move.HMM object
HSMM.plotPlot a move.HSMM object
move.HMM.ACFACF plot
move.HMM.AltmanAltman plot
move.HMM.CIAdd confidence intervals to a move.HMM object
move.HMM.dwell.plotDwell Plot
move.HMM.lalphabetaCompute forward and backwards probabilities
move.HMM.mleFit a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) via maximum likelihood
move.HMM.mllkCompute negative log likelihood of HMM
move.HMM.mllk.fullCompute negative log likelihood of HMM using all parameters
move.HMM-packageFit hidden Markov models and hidden semi-Markov...
move.HMM.pn2pwTransform parameters to the working scale
move.HMM.psresidCompute and plot pseudoresiduals
move.HMM.pw2pnTransform parameters back to real scale
move.HMM.simulateSimulate data from a hidden markov model
move.HMM.state_probsCompute conditional and posterior state probabilities
move.HMM.viterbiAssign states using the Viterbi algorithm
move.HSMM.ACFACF plot
move.HSMM.AltmanAltman plot
move.HSMM.CIAdd confidence intervals to a move.HSMM object
move.HSMM.dwell.plotDwell Plot
move.HSMM.lalphabetaCompute forward and backwards probabilities for a move.HSMM...
move.HSMM.mleFit a Hidden Semi Markov Model (HSMM) via maximum likelihood
move.HSMM.mllkCompute negative log likelihood of HSMM
move.HSMM.mllk.fullCompute negative log likelihood of HSMM using all parameters
move.HSMM.pn2pwTransform parameters to the working scale
move.HSMM.psresidCompute and plot pseudoresiduals
move.HSMM.pw2pnTransform parameters back to real scale
move.HSMM.simulateSimulate data from a hidden semi markov model
move.HSMM.state_probsCompute conditional and posterior state probabilities
move.HSMM.viterbiAssign states using the Viterbi algorithm
plnorm3Shifted lognormal cdf
print.move.HMMPrint a move.HMM object
print.move.HSMMPrint a move.HSMM object
pshiftnegbinShifted negative binomial cdf
pshiftpoisShifted Poisson cdf
pwrpcauchyWrapped cauchy cdf
pwrpnormWrapped normal cdf
pzanegbinZero-altered Negative Binomial CDF
qlnorm3Shifted lognormal quantile function
rlnorm3Shifted lognormal random number generation
rshiftnegbinGenerate random deviates shifted negative binomial pdf
rshiftpoisGenerate random deviates shifted Poisson pdf
rwrpcauchyWrapped cauchy random number generation
rwrpnormWrapped normal random number generation
rzanegbinZero-altered Negative Binomial random number generation
stationaryDistCalculate the stationary distribution from the t.p.m.
benaug/move.HMM documentation built on Jan. 23, 2022, 4:29 a.m.