  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check

Play-by-play scraper for the PHF (formerly known as the NWHL)


You can install the released version of whockeyR from GitHub with:

# You can install using the pacman package using the following code:
if (!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)){
pacman::p_load_current_gh("BenHowell71/whockeyR", dependencies = TRUE, update = TRUE)

If you would prefer the devtools installation:

# if you would prefer devtools installation
if (!requireNamespace('devtools', quietly = TRUE)){
# Alternatively, using the devtools package:
devtools::install_github(repo = "BenHowell71/whockeyR")


Contains the code scraping the schedule and pertinent league information for each season


Contains the code for all the below functions


Test files that shows how the functions work for pulling play-by-play data for a regulation game, an overtime game, and an overtime + shootout game.


Loads in all the raw data for the game_id in a list format. Takes game_id as an input.


Formats the raw data for a period into a workable format. Takes the raw data for a period as an input.


Formats the raw data of a shootout into a workable format. Takes the raw data of the shootout as an input


Takes the raw data from load_raw_data as an input then uses process_period and process_shootout to pull out all the by period data and then put it all into one pbp dataframe with


Pairs load_raw_data and pbp_data to pull the raw data and cleaning/set-up in one function that takes game_id as an input

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To cite the whockeyR R package in publications, use:

BibTex Citation

  author = {Ben Howell},
  title = {whockeyR: The SportsDataverse's R Package for Women's Hockey Data.},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}

benhowell71/fastRhockey documentation built on March 1, 2024, 9:23 a.m.