
# #### updated tags for what gets removed from the text parsing
# away <- "[:digit:] GvA|[:digit:] TkA|[:digit:] Blk"
# fill <- "from|by|against|to|and|giveaway|Game"
# goalie <- "Starting goalie|Pulled goalie|Returned goalie"
# fo <- "faceoff won"
# ice <- "Even Strength|Empty Net|Power Play"
# shots <- "Snap shot|Wrist shot"
# res <- "blocked|saved"
# pen <- "Holding|Tripping|Roughing|Hooking|Interference|Slashing|Checking|Ejection"
# type <- "Minor|Major"
# score_string <- "[:digit:] - [:digit:] [A-Z]+|[:digit:] - [:digit:]"
# shoot <- "missed attempt against|scores against|Shootout"
# abbreviations <- c("TOR", "MIN","")
# #' @title phf_game_data
# #' @description phf_game_data: pull in the raw data for a game_id from the PHF/NWHL API
# #'
# #' @param game_id The unique ID code for the game that you are interested in viewing the data for
# #' @import rvest
# #' @importFrom jsonlite parse_json
# #' @importFrom purrr pluck
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   phf_game_data(game_id = 368722)
# #' }
# phf_game_data <- function(game_id = 368719) {
#   base_url <- ""
#   full_url <- paste0(base_url, game_id)
#   # the link for the game + authorization for accessing the API
#   res <- httr::RETRY(
#     "GET", full_url,
#     httr::add_headers(
#       `Authorization`='ticket="4dM1QOOKk-PQTSZxW_zfXnOgbh80dOGK6eUb_MaSl7nUN0_k4LxLMvZyeaYGXQuLyWBOQhY8Q65k6_uwMu6oojuO"'))
#   # Check the result
#   check_status(res)
#   plays_data <- data.frame()
#   tryCatch(
#     expr = {
#       data <- res %>%
#         httr::content(as = "text", encoding="utf-8") %>%
#         jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
#         purrr::pluck("content") %>%
#         rvest::read_html() %>%
#         rvest::html_table()
#       plays_data <- data[
#         !sapply(
#           lapply(data, function(x){
#             if("Time" %in% colnames(x) && nrow(x)>0){
#               return(x)
#             }
#             if("Play" %in% colnames(x) && nrow(x)>0){
#               return(x)
#             }
#           }),is.null)]
#       if(length(plays_data)>5){
#         plays_data <- plays_data[1:5]
#       }
#       plays_df <- purrr::map_dfr(1:length(plays_data), function(x){
#         plays_data[[x]] %>%
#           normalize_columns() %>%
#           dplyr::mutate(period_id = x)
#       })
#     },
#     error = function(e) {
#       message(glue::glue("{Sys.time()}: Invalid game_id or no game data available!"))
#     },
#     warning = function(w) {
#     },
#     finally = {
#     }
#   )
#   return(plays_data)
# }
# #' @title normalize_columns
# #' @description First in processing pipeline to give normalized columns:
# #' play_type, team, time, play_description,
# #' scoring_team_abbrev, scoring_team_on_ice,
# #' defending_team_abbrev, defending_team_on_ice
# #'
# #' @param df play-by-play data frame
# #' @importFrom dplyr mutate mutate_at bind_cols lead filter select
# #' @importFrom stringr str_detect
# #'
# normalize_columns <- function(df){
#   if(ncol(df)==3){
#     colnames(df) <- c("play_type","team","play_description")
#     df$time <- NA_character_
#   }
#   if(ncol(df)==10){
#     colnames(df) <- c("play_type", "team", "time","play_description","drop1","drop2",
#                       "scoring_team_abbrev","scoring_team_on_ice","defending_team_abbrev","defending_team_on_ice")
#     df2 <- df[,7:10]
#     df2 <- df2 %>%
#       dplyr::mutate_at(1:4, function(x){dplyr::lead(x,n=2)})
#     df <- dplyr::bind_cols(df[,1:4], df2)
#     df <- df %>%
#       dplyr::filter(!$play_description),!stringr::str_detect(.data$team,"On Ice")) %>%
#       dplyr::mutate(play_description = gsub("{{.*", "", .data$play_description, perl = TRUE))
#   }else{
#     colnames(df) <- c("play_type", "team", "time","play_description")
#     df$scoring_team_abbrev <- NA_character_
#     df$scoring_team_on_ice <- NA_character_
#     df$defending_team_abbrev <- NA_character_
#     df$defending_team_on_ice <- NA_character_
#     df <- df %>%
#       dplyr::filter(!$play_description),!stringr::str_detect(.data$team,"On Ice")) %>%
#       dplyr::mutate(play_description = gsub("{{.*", "", .data$play_description, perl = TRUE))
#   }
#   df <- df %>%
#     dplyr::select(.data$play_type, .data$team, .data$time, .data$play_description,
#                   .data$scoring_team_abbrev,.data$scoring_team_on_ice,
#                   .data$defending_team_abbrev, .data$defending_team_on_ice)
#   return(df)
# }
# #' @title process_period
# #' @description process_period: processes the raw data of a single period from a PHF game
# #'
# #' @param data the dataframe of the period that you want parsed into a workable format of pbp data
# #' @param period which period of play is this data for? Defaults to 1
# #' @importFrom dplyr mutate row_number rename filter
# #' @importFrom janitor clean_names remove_empty
# #' @importFrom stringr str_detect
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \donttest{
# #'   first_period <- process_period(data = df[[1]], period = 1)
# #' }
# process_period <- function(data, period = 1) {
#   # the raw data comes in a very very weird format where the only thing we want
#   # is every other row so these two lines get us that
#   odd <- seq_len(nrow(data)) %% 2
#   data <- data[odd == 1, ]
#   data <- data %>%
#     # make sure that the names of columns are consistent and clean
#     janitor::clean_names() %>%
#     # create the id for what period it is and what overall event it is
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       event_no = dplyr::row_number(),
#       period_id = period) %>%
#     dplyr::rename(
#       event = .data$x,
#       description = .data$play) %>%
#     # only taking events that match to actual on ice stuff
#     dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(.data$event, 'On Ice')) %>%
#     # filter(event != "Timeout") %>%
#     # dplyr::filter(! grepl("On"))
#     janitor::remove_empty(which = c("cols"), quiet = TRUE) %>%
#     # since the NWHL/PHF website has an 'expansion' tab for goals
#     # that gets put into the description column weirdly
#     # so essentially filtering that out
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       description = gsub("{{.*", "", .data$description, perl = TRUE))
#   return(data)
# }
# #' @title load_raw_data
# #' @description load_raw_data: pull in the raw data for a game_id from the PHF/NWHL API
# #'
# #' @param game_id The unique ID code for the game that you are interested in viewing the data for
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   df <- load_raw_data(game_id = 268078)
# #' }
# load_raw_data <- function(game_id = 268078) {
#   link <- paste0("", game_id)
#   # the link for the game + authorization for accessing the API
#   data <- httr::GET(link,
#                     httr::add_headers(
#                       `Authorization`= 'ticket="4dM1QOOKk-PQTSZxW_zfXnOgbh80dOGK6eUb_MaSl7nUN0_k4LxLMvZyeaYGXQuLyWBOQhY8Q65k6_uwMu6oojuO"'
#                     )) %>%
#     httr::content(as = "text") %>%
#     jsonlite::parse_json() %>%
#     purrr::pluck("content") %>%
#     rvest::read_html() %>%
#     rvest::html_table()
# }
# #' @title process_shootout
# #' @description process_shootout: processes the raw data of a shootout from a PHF game
# #'
# #' @param data the dataframe of the shootout that you want parsed into a workable format of pbp data
# #' @importFrom janitor clean_names
# #' @importFrom dplyr mutate row_number select
# #' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_replace_all str_nth_non_numeric
# #' @importFrom tidyr separate
# #' @import tokenizers
# #' @import strex
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   shootout <- process_shootout(data = game_so)
# #' }
# process_shootout <- function(data) {
#   score_string <- "[:digit:] - [:digit:] [A-Z]+|[:digit:] - [:digit:]"
#   shoot <- "missed attempt against|scores against|Shootout"
#   data <- data %>%
#     janitor::clean_names() %>%
#     # creating variables, cleaning stuff for shootouts specifically
#     # since there's a lot less variation in what can happen
#     # it's easier to do the cleaning so it's in its own function
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       event = "Shootout",
#       on_ice_situation = "shootout",
#       shot_type = "shootout",
#       shot_result = tolower(.data$x),
#       period_id = 5,
#       event_no = dplyr::row_number(),
#       description = .data$play,
#       desc = stringr::str_replace_all(.data$play, "#", ""),
#       first_number = str_nth_number(.data$desc, 1),
#       second_number = str_nth_number(.data$desc, 2),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, shoot, ""),
#       score = str_extract(.data$desc, score_string),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, score_string, ""),
#       desc = str_replace_all(str_trim(.data$desc, side = "both"),"#", ""),
#       first_player = str_nth_non_numeric(.data$desc, n = 1),
#       second_player = str_nth_non_numeric(.data$desc, n = 2),
#       leader = str_extract(.data$score, "[A-Z]+"),
#       scr = str_replace_all(.data$score, "[A-Z]+", "")) %>%
#     dplyr::select($play) %>%
#     tidyr::separate(
#       .data$scr,
#       into = c("away_goals", "home_goals"),
#       sep = " - ", remove = FALSE) %>%
#     dplyr::select($scr,$x) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       leader = ifelse($leader), 'T', .data$leader),
#       away_goals = ifelse($away_goals), 0, .data$away_goals),
#       home_goals = ifelse($home_goals), 0, .data$home_goals),
#       score = ifelse($score), '0 - 0 T', .data$score))
#   return(data)
# }
# #' @title pbp_data
# #' @description pbp_data: returns all of the play-by-play data for a game into on big data frame using the process_period/shootout functions. Contains functionality to account for regulation games, overtime games, and shootouts
# #'
# #' @param data the raw list data that is generated from the load_raw_data function
# #' @importFrom dplyr mutate bind_rows filter row_number select case_when pull
# #' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
# #' @import rvest
# #' @import jsonlite
# #' @import tokenizers
# #' @import strex
# #' @export
# #' @examples \dontrun{
# #'   pbp_df <- pbp_data(data = df)
# #' }
# #### function returning all the pbp data for a game into one big data frame for the game
# ## data takes the raw list of data from the load_raw_data function
# pbp_data <- function(data, game_id = game_id) {
#   # l <- length(data) - 2
#   # c <- data[[l]]
#   # c <- c %>% clean_names()
#   # y <- sum(c$x1st) + 1
#   # z <- y + sum(c$x2nd)
#   lst <- list()
#   # creating an empty list
#   # so, since there's not a consistent format of which table in the list the period data is in
#   # I have to have it loop through the number of rows in each of those tables
#   # then we take each one that has at least 6 observations
#   for (y in 1:length(data)) {
#     z <- nrow(data[[y]])
#     tb <- data.frame(y, z)
#     lst[[y]] <- tb
#   }
#   # 6 observations bc the shootout format is 3 shots per team at minimum
#   # since there are 7 lines in one of the boxscore tabs, we have to be careful
#   # however, that is always one of the last tables so we can just take the first five
#   tb <- dplyr::bind_rows(lst) %>%
#     # LOOK AT
#     # z > 7 runs easy, but it's possible for a shootout to be only 6 or 7 events
#     # and since there's another table that is 7 (boxscore data) it causes errors when I left it
#     # as >= 6 so I changed it for now to work
#     dplyr::filter(.data$z > 7) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(order = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
#     dplyr::filter(.data$order > 0, .data$order < 6)
#   # tm <- data[[max(length(data)) - 1]] %>%
#   #   # taking the second to last table bc that is always shots (or goals? now I don't remember)
#   #   # either way, the away team is always on top so we can extract home/away from this
#   #   janitor::clean_names() %>%
#   #   dplyr::mutate(
#   #     order = dplyr::row_number(),
#   #     meta = dplyr::case_when(
#   #       .data$order == 1 ~ "away_team",
#   #       .data$order == 2 ~ "home_team",
#   #       TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
#   #   dplyr::select(.data$shots, .data$meta) %>%
#   #   tidyr::pivot_wider(values_from = .data$shots, names_from = .data$meta)
#   # for (a in 2016:2021) {
#   #
#   #   b <- phf_schedule(season = a)
#   #
#   #   lst[[a]] <- b
#   #
#   # }
#   #
#   # gms <- bind_rows(lst)
#   # renaming the game_id variable bc otherwise it doesn't work
#   g <- game_id
#   tm <- read.csv("phf_meta_data.csv") %>%
#     filter(game_id == g) %>%
#     # dplyr::select(game_id, home_team, home_team_short,
#     #               away_team, away_team_short) %>%
#     # mutate(home_team = paste0(home_team, home_team_short),
#     #        away_team = paste0(away_team, away_team_short)) %>%
#     dplyr::select(home_team, away_team)
#   # creating the pbp dataframes for regulation, OT, or shootout games
#   if (nrow(tb) == 3) {
#     e <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 1) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     f <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 2) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     g <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 3) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     first_period <- data[[e]]
#     second_period <- data[[f]]
#     third_period <- data[[g]]
#     # second_period <- data[[2]]
#     # third_period <- data[[4]]
#     first_period <- process_period(data = first_period, period = 1)
#     second_period <- process_period(data = second_period, period = 2)
#     third_period <- process_period(data = third_period, period = 3)
#     pbp <- dplyr::bind_rows(first_period,
#                             second_period,
#                             third_period)
#   } else if (nrow(tb) == 4) {
#     e <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 1) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     f <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 2) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     g <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 3) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     h <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 4) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     first_period <- data[[e]]
#     second_period <- data[[f]]
#     third_period <- data[[g]]
#     fourth_period <- data[[h]]
#     # second_period <- data[[2]]
#     # third_period <- data[[4]]
#     first_period <- process_period(data = first_period, period = 1)
#     second_period <- process_period(data = second_period, period = 2)
#     third_period <- process_period(data = third_period, period = 3)
#     fourth_period <- process_period(data = fourth_period, period = 4)
#     pbp <- dplyr::bind_rows(first_period,
#                             second_period,
#                             third_period,
#                             fourth_period)
#   } else if (nrow(tb) >= 5) {
#     e <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 1) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     f <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 2) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     g <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 3) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     h <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 4) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     i <- tb %>%
#       dplyr::filter(.data$order == 5) %>%
#       dplyr::pull(.data$y)
#     first_period <- data[[e]]
#     second_period <- data[[f]]
#     third_period <- data[[g]]
#     fourth_period <- data[[h]]
#     shootout <- data[[i]]
#     # second_period <- data[[2]]
#     # third_period <- data[[4]]
#     first_period <- process_period(data = first_period, period = 1)
#     second_period <- process_period(data = second_period, period = 2)
#     third_period <- process_period(data = third_period, period = 3)
#     fourth_period <- process_period(data = fourth_period, period = 4)
#     pbp <- dplyr::bind_rows(first_period,
#                             second_period,
#                             third_period,
#                             fourth_period)
#   }
#   pbp <- pbp %>%
#     # replacing extraneous words to parse out player names
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       desc = .data$description,
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, fill, ""),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, away, ""),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, goalie, ""),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, fo, ""),
#       # replacing some basic stuff
#       on_ice_situation = str_extract(.data$desc, ice),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, ice, ""),
#       # cleaning the on-ice situation
#       shot_type = str_extract(.data$desc, shots),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, shots, ""),
#       shot_result = ifelse(str_detect(.data$event, "Goal") & .data$event != "Goalie", "made",
#                            str_extract(.data$desc, res)),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, res, ""),
#       # cleaning up shot data to get shot type + the result of the shot
#       penalty_type = str_extract(.data$desc, type),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, type, ""),
#       penalty_called = str_extract(.data$desc, pen),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, pen, ""),
#       penalty_length = str_extract(.data$desc,
#                                    "[:digit:] mins"),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc,
#                              "[:digit:] mins", ""),
#       penalty = ifelse(!$penalty_type), 1, 0),
#       # cleaning up penalty data
#       score = str_extract(.data$desc, score_string),
#       # score = ifelse(, '0 - 0 T', score),
#       # leader = str_extract(score, "[A-Z]+"),
#       desc = str_replace_all(.data$desc, score_string, ""),
#       desc = str_replace_all(str_trim(.data$desc, side = "both"),"#", ""),
#       # cleaning up score data
#       first_player = str_trim(str_nth_non_numeric(.data$desc, n = 1)),
#       first_number = str_nth_number(.data$desc, n = 1),
#       second_player = str_trim(str_nth_non_numeric(.data$desc, n = 2)),
#       second_number = str_nth_number(.data$desc, n = 2),
#       third_player = str_trim(str_nth_non_numeric(.data$desc, n = 3)),
#       third_number = str_nth_number(.data$desc, n = 3)) %>%
#     # dplyr::filter(! %>%
#     tidyr::separate(.data$time, into = c("minute", "second"), sep = ":", remove = FALSE) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       minute_start = as.numeric(.data$minute),
#       second_start = as.numeric(.data$second),
#       minute = ifelse(19 - .data$minute_start == 19 &
#                         60 - .data$second_start == 60, 20,
#                       19 - .data$minute_start),
#       second = ifelse(60 - .data$second_start == 60, 0,
#                       60 - .data$second_start),
#       second = ifelse(.data$second < 10, paste0("0", .data$second),
#                       paste0(.data$second)),
#       clock = paste0(.data$minute, ":", .data$second)) %>%
#     dplyr::select($minute,$second) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(event_no = dplyr::row_number())
#   on_ice <- pbp %>%
#     dplyr::filter($time)) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(event_no = .data$event_no - 1) %>%
#     dplyr::select(.data$event, .data$team, .data$event_no, .data$period_id) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       team = str_replace_all(team, "#", ""),
#       offensive_player_one = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_non_numeric(.data$team, n = 1)),
#       offensive_number_one = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_number(.data$team, n = 1)),
#       offensive_player_two = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_non_numeric(.data$team, n = 2)),
#       offensive_number_two = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_number(.data$team, n = 2)),
#       offensive_player_three = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_non_numeric(.data$team, n = 3)),
#       offensive_number_three = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_number(.data$team, n = 3)),
#       offensive_player_four = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_non_numeric(.data$team, n = 4)),
#       offensive_number_four = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_number(.data$team, n = 4)),
#       offensive_player_five = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_non_numeric(.data$team, n = 5)),
#       offensive_number_five = str_trim(side = c("both"), str_nth_number(.data$team, n = 5))
#     ) %>%
#     dplyr::select(-c(event, team))
#   pbp <-
#     pbp %>%
#     dplyr::left_join(on_ice, by = c("period_id", "event_no")) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       leader = str_extract(.data$score, "[A-Z]+"),
#       scr = str_replace_all(.data$score, "[A-Z]+", "")) %>%
#     tidyr::separate(
#       .data$scr,
#       into = c("away_goals", "home_goals"),
#       sep = " - ",
#       remove = FALSE) %>%
#     dplyr::select($scr) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$score) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$leader) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$away_goals) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$home_goals) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       leader = ifelse($leader), 'T', .data$leader),
#       away_goals = ifelse($away_goals), 0, .data$away_goals),
#       home_goals = ifelse($home_goals), 0, .data$home_goals),
#       score = ifelse($score), '0 - 0 T', .data$score)) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       sec_from_start = (60 * .data$minute_start) + .data$second_start,
#       sec_from_start = dplyr::case_when(
#         .data$period_id == 2 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 1200,
#         .data$period_id == 3 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 2400,
#         .data$period_id == 4 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 3600,
#         .data$period_id == 5 ~ .data$sec_from_start + 4800,
#         TRUE ~ .data$sec_from_start),
#       power_play_seconds = ifelse(!$penalty_length),
#                                   as.numeric(str_extract(.data$penalty_length, '[0-9]')) * 60,
#                                   NA_real_),
#       start_power_play = ifelse(.data$penalty == 1, .data$sec_from_start, NA_real_),
#       end_power_play = ifelse(.data$penalty == 1, .data$start_power_play + .data$power_play_seconds, NA_real_)) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$start_power_play) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$end_power_play) %>%
#     # ID'ing PP situations by whether the timestamp is within the time passed from when the penalty was given
#     # any situation that isn't special, i.e. as a PP or Empty Net get replaced by Even Strenght
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       on_ice_situation = ifelse((.data$sec_from_start >= .data$start_power_play &
#                                    .data$sec_from_start <= .data$end_power_play) |
#                                   (.data$on_ice_situation == "Power Play"), "Power Play",
#                                 .data$on_ice_situation),
#       on_ice_situation = replace_na(.data$on_ice_situation, "Even Strength"))
#   if (nrow(tb) >= 5) {
#     shootout <- process_shootout(data = shootout)
#     pbp <- dplyr::bind_rows(pbp, shootout)
#   }
#   pbp <- pbp %>%
#     dplyr::left_join(tm, by = character())
#   gl <- pbp %>%
#     dplyr::filter(.data$event == "Goalie") %>%
#     # filter(str_detect(description, "Starting|Returned"))
#     dplyr::select(
#       .data$home_team, .data$away_team, .data$team, .data$description,
#       .data$first_player, .data$event, .data$sec_from_start) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       goalie_change = str_extract(.data$description, "Starting|Returned|Pulled"),
#       goalie = ifelse(
#         str_detect(.data$team, .data$away_team), "away_goalie",
#         ifelse(
#           str_detect(.data$team, .data$home_team), "home_goalie", NA
#         )
#       ),
#       first_player = ifelse(.data$goalie_change == "Pulled", "None", .data$first_player)
#     ) %>%
#     dplyr::select(.data$first_player,
#                   .data$sec_from_start,
#                   .data$goalie_change,
#                   .data$goalie) %>%
#     tidyr::pivot_wider(
#       names_from = .data$goalie,
#       values_from = .data$first_player)
#   pbp <- pbp %>%
#     dplyr::left_join(gl, by = c("sec_from_start")) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$home_goalie) %>%
#     tidyr::fill(.data$away_goalie) %>%
#     dplyr::filter(.data$event != "Goalie") %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       home_goalie = ifelse(.data$home_goalie == "None", NA_character_, .data$home_goalie),
#       away_goalie = ifelse(.data$away_goalie == "None", NA_character_, .data$away_goalie),
#       goalie_involved = dplyr::case_when(
#         .data$event %in% c("Goal", "PP Goal", "Shot", "Shot BLK") &
#           str_detect(.data$team, .data$home_team) ~ .data$away_goalie,
#         .data$event %in% c("Goal", "PP Goal", "Shot", "Shot BLK") &
#           str_detect(.data$team, .data$away_team) ~ .data$home_goalie,
#         TRUE ~ NA_character_),
#       time_elapsed = .data$time,
#       time_remaining = .data$clock
#     )
#   return(pbp)
# }
# #' @title load_pbp
# #' @description load_pbp: loads all the play-by-play data for a game into one data frame through just one function
# #'
# #' @param game_id The unique ID code for the game that you are interested in viewing the data for
# #' @import rvest
# #' @import tokenizers
# #' @import strex
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   first_period <- process_period(data = df[[1]], period = 1)
# #' }
# load_pbp <- function(game_id = 268078, format = "clean") {
#   df <- phf_game_data(game_id = game_id)
#   # load_raw_data(game_id = game_id)
#   pbp <- pbp_data(data = df, game_id = game_id)
#   #re-initializing the game_id variable so that it doesn't freak tf out
#   x <- game_id
#   pbp <- pbp %>%
#     dplyr::filter(!$description)) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       game_id = x,
#       event_no = dplyr::row_number())
#   if (format == "clean") {
#     pbp <- pbp %>%
#       dplyr::select(
#         .data$game_id,
#         .data$home_team,
#         .data$away_team,
#         .data$period_id,
#         .data$event_no,
#         .data$description,
#         .data$time_remaining,
#         .data$on_ice_situation,
#         .data$home_goals, .data$away_goals, .data$leader,
#         .data$team,
#         .data$event,
#         .data$first_player, .data$first_number,
#         .data$second_player, .data$second_number,
#         .data$third_player, .data$third_number,
#         .data$shot_type, .data$shot_result, .data$goalie_involved,
#         .data$penalty,
#         .data$penalty_length,
#         .data$.data$penalty_type,
#         .data$penalty_called,
#         .data$offensive_player_one,
#         .data$offensive_player_two,
#         .data$offensive_player_three,
#         .data$offensive_player_four,
#         .data$offensive_player_five,
#         .data$home_goalie,
#         .data$away_goalie)
#   }
#   return(pbp)
# }
# #### Boxscore Functions ####
# boxscore <- data.frame(
#   team = character(),
#   successful_power_play = numeric(),
#   power_play_opportunities = numeric(),
#   power_play_percent = numeric(),
#   penalty_minutes = numeric(),
#   faceoff_percent = numeric(),
#   blocked_opponent_shots = numeric(),
#   takeaways = numeric(),
#   giveaways = numeric(),
#   first_shots = integer(),
#   second_shots = integer(),
#   third_shots = integer(),
#   overtime_shots = integer(),
#   shootout_shots = integer(),
#   total_shots = integer(),
#   first_scoring = integer(),
#   second_scoring = integer(),
#   third_scoring = integer(),
#   overtime_scoring = integer(),
#   # shootout_scoring = character(),
#   total_scoring = integer(),
#   winner = character(),
#   game_id = numeric()
# )
# #' @title process_boxscore
# #' @description process_boxscore: the code for processing box score data into a format that makes sense
# #'
# #' @param data the raw data from the game that you're interested in
# #' @import tokenizers
# #' @import strex
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   boxscore <- process_boxscore(data = df[[1]])
# #' }
# process_boxscore <- function(data) {
#   df <- data[[max(length(data))]]
#   score <- data[[max(length(data)) - 2]]
#   shot <- data[[max(length(data)) - 1]]
#   if (ncol(score) == 5) {
#     score <- score %>%
#       janitor::clean_names() %>%
#       dplyr::rename("team" = "scoring",
#                     "first_scoring" = "x1st",
#                     "second_scoring" = "x2nd",
#                     "third_scoring" = "x3rd",
#                     "total_scoring" = "t")
#   } else if (ncol(score) == 6) {
#     score <- score %>%
#       janitor::clean_names() %>%
#       dplyr::rename("team" = "scoring",
#                     "first_scoring" = "x1st",
#                     "second_scoring" = "x2nd",
#                     "third_scoring" = "x3rd",
#                     "overtime_scoring" = "ot",
#                     "total_scoring" = "t")
#   } else if (ncol(score) == 7) {
#     score <- score %>%
#       janitor::clean_names() %>%
#       dplyr::rename("team" = "scoring",
#                     "first_scoring" = "x1st",
#                     "second_scoring" = "x2nd",
#                     "third_scoring" = "x3rd",
#                     "overtime_scoring" = "ot",
#                     "shootout_scoring" = "so",
#                     "total_scoring" = "t") %>%
#       dplyr::mutate(
#         shootout_shots = str_nth_number(shootout_scoring, 3),
#         shootout_scoring = str_nth_number(shootout_scoring, 1))
#   }
#   if (ncol(shot) == 5) {
#     shot <- shot %>%
#       janitor::clean_names() %>%
#       dplyr::rename(
#         "team" = "shots",
#         "first_shots" = "x1st",
#         "second_shots" = "x2nd",
#         "third_shots" = "x3rd",
#         "total_shots" = "t")
#   } else if (ncol(shot) != 5) {
#     shot <- shot %>%
#       janitor::clean_names() %>%
#       dplyr::rename(
#         "team" = "shots",
#         "first_shots" = "x1st",
#         "second_shots" = "x2nd",
#         "third_shots" = "x3rd",
#         "overtime_shots" = "ot",
#         "total_shots" = "t")
#   }
#   df <- df %>%
#     janitor::clean_names() %>%
#     tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = 2:3) %>%
#     tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = team_stats) %>%
#     janitor::clean_names() %>%
#     tidyr::separate(
#       power_plays,
#       into = c("successful_power_play", "power_play_opportunities"),
#       sep = " / ") %>%
#     dplyr::mutate_at(
#       vars(successful_power_play,
#            power_play_opportunities,
#            power_play_percent,
#            penalty_minutes,
#            faceoff_percent,
#            blocked_opponent_shots,
#            takeaways,
#            giveaways), as.numeric) %>%
#     dplyr::rename("team" = "name")
#   s <- shot %>%
#     dplyr::left_join(score, by = c("team")) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(team = tolower(team))
#   df <- df %>%
#     dplyr::left_join(s, by = c("team"))
#   df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, boxscore)
#   df <- df %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       winner = ifelse(
#         .data$total_scoring == max(.data$total_scoring, na.rm = TRUE), "Yes", "No"))
#   return(df)
# }
# #' @title load_boxscore
# #' @description load_boxscore: loads the boxscore and shot/score data for a game into one data frame through just one function
# #'
# #' @param game_id The unique ID code for the game that you are interested in viewing the data for
# #' @import rvest
# #' @import janitor
# #' @import httr
# #' @import stringr
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   boxscore <- load_boxscore(game_id = 268078)
# #' }
# load_boxscore <- function(game_id = 268078) {
#   y <- game_id
#   df <- load_raw_data(game_id = game_id)
#   df <- process_boxscore(data = df)
#   df <- df %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(game_id = y) %>%
#     dplyr::select(
#       .data$team, .data$game_id, .data$winner, .data$total_scoring,
#       .data$first_scoring, .data$second_scoring, .data$third_scoring,
#       .data$overtime_scoring, .data$shootout_scoring,
#       .data$total_shots, .data$first_shots,
#       .data$second_shots, .data$third_shots,
#       .data$overtime_shots, .data$shootout_shots,
#       .data$blocked_opponent_shots,
#       .data$successful_power_play,
#       .data$power_play_opportunities,
#       .data$power_play_percent,
#       .data$faceoff_percent,
#       .data$penalty_minutes,
#       .data$takeaways,
#       .data$giveaways)
#   return(df)
# }
# #' @title load_game
# #' @description load_game: loads boxscore and pbp data into a list to load both at once for a given game
# #'
# #' @param game_id The unique ID code for the game that you are interested in viewing the data for
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'   game_data <- load_game(game_id = 268078)
# #' }
# load_game <- function(game_id = 268078) {
#   box <- load_boxscore(game_id = game_id)
#   pbp <- load_pbp(game_id = game_id)
#   game <- list(box, pbp)
#   return(game)
# }
benhowell71/fastRhockey documentation built on March 1, 2024, 9:23 a.m.