Man pages for benjamin-merkel/ProMM
probabilistic algorithm for geolocation data

BBA_degdeg data for example black browed albatross foraging trip.
BBA_luxlux data for example black browed albatross foraging trip.
BBA_sstsst data for example black browed albatross foraging trip.
calc_mcpCalculate MCPs
fun_list_to_dataframeInternal function to collapse lists into data.frame
fun_time_dryInternal function to calculate the proportion of time dry
fun_weight_iceInternal function to calculate the weight of each particle...
fun_weight_speedInternal function to calculate the weight of each particle...
fun_weight_sstInternal function to calculate the weight of each particle...
load_landmaskInternal function to extract on/off land mask from NOAA OISST...
lotek_to_dataframetransform lotek day log data into data frame
plot_mapplot map of algorithm output
plot_timelineplot timeline of algorithm output
prob_algorithmprobabilistic algorithm for geolocation data
sst_deductionSST deduction
trn_to_dataframetransform .trn file into data frame
twilight_error_estimationEstimate the assumed error around a twilight event
benjamin-merkel/ProMM documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 9:14 a.m.