
Welcome to LearnDC! This vignette walks you through some of the basic functions in the package.

Basic structure of a call

To get data using LearnDC, first think about the level (single school? all of DC?) of the data you are looking for, then think about the kind (graduation? enrollment?) of information you want.

The levels

LearnDC returns data at four levels of depth:

  1. School: individual school level data
  2. LEA: data aggregated to all the schools run by school operators (eg, DCPS, KIPP)
  3. Sector: data aggregated to all the schools by sector (ie, Charter, District)
  4. State: data aggregated data on all the schools in DC. (and yes, DC is a state)

Note that you don't specify a particular school, LEA, etc when making the call. If you're looking for individual school data, you call GetSchool and then filter the response.

Data available at each level

GetExhibits shows the available data for each aggregation level. If, for instance, you wanted to know what exhibits were valid for GetSchool:

GetExhibits(level = 'school')

An example: Enrollment data

Let's say you were interested in getting enrollment data for all four aggregation levels. Here's what the calls would look like:

enr_sch <- GetSchool(exhibit = 'enrollment')
enr_lea <- GetLEA(exhibit = 'enrollment')
enr_sec <- GetSector(exhibit = 'enrollment')
enr_dc <- GetState(exhibit = 'enrollment')

benjaminrobinson/LearnDC documentation built on May 12, 2019, 11:55 a.m.