Man pages for benjnguyen/NguyenTools
Tools for STAT 3701

binThis function takes dbinom of data
cauThis function takes dcauchy of data
continentAsiaThis function takes slice of data from gp2007
dExample data from HW 1
func1Calculate Mean, Variane, SD
func2Calculate Mean, Variane, SD (again)
func3MLE of gamma distribution
func4Weighted mean, var, sd
func5Weighted mean, var, sd with user checkes
func6Highlevel check function
gaThis function takes dgamma of data
gp2007This vignette shows 3 ways to plot the data from gp2007
grapes-xAx-grapesGiven a numeric vector x and a numeric matrix A, calculates...
lab5This function returns mle
myapplyGiven a matrix X, an integer MARGIN in c(1,2) indicating 1...
p6wrapperA wrapper that returns solutions to problem 6 of HW2 from...
plotstuffThis function plots data using ggplot2 package
standardizeGiven a numeric matrix, the following 'standardize' function...
xAxGiven a numeric vector x and a numeric matrix A, calculates...
benjnguyen/NguyenTools documentation built on May 25, 2019, 3:22 p.m.