Man pages for benkeser/cvtmleAUC
Cross-validated TML estimates of cross-validated area under the receiver operating characteristic curve

cvauc_cvtmleCompute CVTML estimates of cross-validated AUC
cvtn_cvtmleCompute CVTML estimates of cross-validated AUC
dot-DyCompute a portion of the efficient influence function
dot-estimatingFnAn estimating function for cvAUC
dot-estimatingFnNestedCVAn estimating function for cvAUC with cv initial estimates
dot-getAUCCompute the AUC given the cdf and pdf of psi
dot-getPredictionsWorker function for fitting prediction functions (possibly in...
dot-getPsiDistributionCompute the conditional (given Y = y) estimated distribution...
dot-getPsiDistributionNestedCVCompute the conditional (given Y = y) CV-estimated...
dot-makeLongDataWorker function to make long form data set needed for CVTMLE...
dot-makeLongDataNestedCVWorker function to make long form data set needed for CVTMLE...
fluc_mod_optim_0Alternative fluctuation routine
fluc_mod_optim_1Alternative fluctuation routine
F_nBn_starCompute the (CV)TMLE cumulative dist at psi_x
glmnet_wrapperWrapper for fitting lasso
glm_wrapperWrapper for fitting a main terms GLM
leave_pair_out_aucFunction to do leave pair out AUC computation
polymars_wrapperWrapper for fitting polymars
print.cvaucPrint results of cvauc_cvtmle
randomforest_wrapperWrapper for fitting a main terms random forest
ranger_wrapperWrapper for fitting a main terms random forest
stepglm_wrapperWrapper for fitting a main terms GLM
superlearner_wrapperWrapper for fitting a main terms random forest
svm_wrapperWrapper for fitting svm
xgboost_wrapperWrapper for fitting xgboost
benkeser/cvtmleAUC documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:30 a.m.