Man pages for benkeser/nlpred
Estimators of Non-Linear Cross-Validated Risks Optimized for Small Samples

boot_aucCompute the bootstrap-corrected estimator of AUC.
boot_scrnpCompute the bootstrap-corrected estimator of SCRNP.
cv_aucEstimates of CVAUC
cv_scrnpEstimates of CV SCNP
dot-DyCompute one of the terms of the efficient influence function
dot-estim_fnAn estimating function for cvAUC
dot-estim_fn_nested_cvAn estimating function for cvAUC with initial estimates...
dot-get_aucCompute the AUC given the cdf and pdf of psi
dot-get_cv_estimHelper function to turn prediction_list into CV estimate of...
dot-get_densityFunction to estimate density needed to evaluate standard...
dot-get_nested_cv_quantileHelper function to get quantile for a single training fold...
dot-get_one_foldHelper function to get results for a single cross-validation...
dot-get_predictionsWorker function for fitting prediction functions (possibly in...
dot-get_psi_distributionCompute the conditional (given Y = y) estimated distribution...
dot-get_psi_distribution_nested_cvCompute the conditional (given Y = y) CV-estimated...
dot-get_quantileHelper function to get quantile for a single training fold...
dot-make_long_dataWorker function to make long form data set needed for CVTMLE...
dot-make_long_data_nested_cvWorker function to make long form data set needed for CVTMLE...
dot-make_targeting_dataHelper function for making data set in proper format for...
dot-process_inputUnexported function from cvAUC package
fluc_mod_optim_0Helper function for CVTMLE grid search
fluc_mod_optim_1Helper function for CVTMLE grid search
F_nBn_starCompute the targeted conditional cumulative distribution of...
F_nBn_star_nested_cvCompute the targeted conditional cumulative distribution of...
glmnet_wrapperWrapper for fitting a lasso using package 'glmnet'.
glm_wrapperWrapper for fitting a logistic regression using 'glm'.
lpo_aucCompute the leave-pair-out cross-validation estimator of AUC.
one_boot_aucInternal function used to perform one bootstrap sample. The...
one_boot_scrnpInternal function used to perform one bootstrap sample. The...
print.cvaucPrint results of cv_auc
print.scrnpPrint results of cv_scrnp
randomforest_wrapperWrapper for fitting a random forest using randomForest.
ranger_wrapperWrapper for fitting a random forest using ranger.
stepglm_wrapperWrapper for fitting a forward stepwise logistic regression...
superlearner_wrapperWrapper for fitting a super learner based on 'SuperLearner'.
xgboost_wrapperWrapper for fitting eXtreme gradient boosting via 'xgboost'
benkeser/nlpred documentation built on June 11, 2022, 3:05 a.m.