adult | R Documentation |
The "Adult" data set from UCI machine learning repository. Raw data have been processed
and an outcome
column added.
Description (copied from UCI):
Extraction was done by Barry Becker from the 1994 Census database. A set of reasonably clean records was extracted using the following conditions: ((AAGE>16) && (AGI>100) && (AFNLWGT>1)&& (HRSWK>0))
Prediction task is to determine whether a person makes over 50K a year (column outcome
Listing of attributes:
>50K, <=50K
age: continuous.
workclass: Private, Self-emp-not-inc, Self-emp-inc, Federal-gov, Local-gov, State-gov, Without-pay, Never-worked.
fnlwgt: continuous.
education: Bachelors, Some-college, 11th, HS-grad, Prof-school, Assoc-acdm, Assoc-voc, 9th, 7th-8th, 12th, Masters, 1st-4th, 10th, Doctorate, 5th-6th, Preschool.
education-num: continuous.
marital-status: Married-civ-spouse, Divorced, Never-married, Separated, Widowed, Married-spouse-absent, Married-AF-spouse.
occupation: Tech-support, Craft-repair, Other-service, Sales, Exec-managerial, Prof-specialty, Handlers-cleaners, Machine-op-inspct, Adm-clerical, Farming-fishing, Transport-moving, Priv-house-serv, Protective-serv, Armed-Forces.
relationship: Wife, Own-child, Husband, Not-in-family, Other-relative, Unmarried.
race: White, Asian-Pac-Islander, Amer-Indian-Eskimo, Other, Black.
sex: Female, Male.
capital-gain: continuous.
capital-loss: continuous.
hours-per-week: continuous.
native-country: United-States, Cambodia, England, Puerto-Rico, Canada, Germany, Outlying-US(Guam-USVI-etc), India, Japan, Greece, South, China, Cuba, Iran, Honduras, Philippines, Italy, Poland, Jamaica, Vietnam, Mexico, Portugal, Ireland, France, Dominican-Republic, Laos, Ecuador, Taiwan, Haiti, Columbia, Hungary, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Scotland, Thailand, Yugoslavia, El-Salvador, Trinadad&Tobago, Peru, Hong, Holand-Netherlands.
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