Man pages for benmarwick/1989-excavation-report-Madjebebe
Research Compendium for paper on Malakananja II 1989 excavations

ancova_slopes_chrono_dataANCOVA Test of difference in slopes of OSL and C14 depth-age...
anova_slopes_chrono_dataMore parsimonous ANOVA test of difference in slopes of OSL...
bayes_contingBayesian contingency table analysis - not using this here
bayes_cp_testBayesian change point analysis on sedimentation rates
bayes_slope_differencePosterior difference in slopes during 15-20 ka only
bayes_slopes_chrono_dataPosteriors of slopes of OSL and C14 depth-age lines
bayes_slope_testBayesian test of difference in slopes during 15-20 ka only
bayes_test_slopes_chrono_dataBayes test of difference in osteriors of slopes of OSL and...
clean_lithics_dataClean the lithics raw data
combine_lens_plotsCombine raw materials and technology plots for...
get_chrono_dataRead in the dates data (table 1 of the paper)
get_lithics_dataRead in the lithics raw data
interpolate_chrono_dataInterpolate the chrono data
lens_differences_rawDifferences in assemblage raw materials above and below the...
lens_differences_techDifferences in assemblage technology above and below the pit...
plot_chrono_dataPlot the chrono data
plot_shell_dataPlot shell data
plots_lithics_dataPlots of the lithics raw data
plots_lithics_rawmaterialsPlots of the lithics raw materials
plotting_slopes_chrono_dataDifference in slopes of OSL and C14 depth-age lines
sed_rates_15_to_20Sedimentation rates during 15-20 ka only
stratiplot_lithicsStratigraphic plot of the lithic raw materials
testing_slopes_chrono_dataTest of difference in slopes of OSL and C14 depth-age lines
tidy_chrono_dataTidy the chrono data
benmarwick/1989-excavation-report-Madjebebe documentation built on May 12, 2019, 12:59 p.m.