Man pages for benmarwick/JSTORr
Simple Text Mining and Document Clustering of JSTOR Journal Articles

JSTOR_1bigramPlot the frequency of one bigram over time in a JSTOR DfR...
JSTOR_1wordPlot the frequency of one word over time in a JSTOR DfR...
JSTOR_2bigramsPlot the frequency of one bigram against bigram over time in...
JSTOR_2bigramscorPlot the change over time of the correlation between one...
JSTOR_2wordcorPlot the change over time of the correlation between one set...
JSTOR_2wordsPlot the frequencies of one word against another word over...
JSTOR_clusterbywordsCluster documents by similarities in word frequencies
JSTOR_dtmofnounsMake a Document Term Matrix containing only nouns
JSTOR_findassocsPlot the words with the strongest correlation with a given...
JSTOR_freqwordsPlot the most frequent words by time intervals
JSTOR_ldaGenerate a topic model with K topics using the implementation...
JSTOR_lda_docdistsCalculate Euclidean distances between documents
JSTOR_lda_hotncoldtopicsPlot the top five hot and cold topics in the archive
JSTOR_lda_topicdistsCalculate Euclidean distances between topics
JSTOR_MALLETGenerate one or more topic models using MALLET's...
JSTOR_MALLET_hotncoldtopicsPlot the top five hot and cold topics in the archive
JSTOR_MALLET_topicinfoGet information about a topic generated by MALLET
JSTOR_MALLET_topicsovertimePlot the changes in topic proportions over time
JSTORrSimple text mining of JSTOR journals
JSTOR_removestopwordsRemoves stopwords from a corpus
JSTOR_subset1gramsSubset 1gram object
JSTOR_subset2gramsSubset 2gram object
JSTOR_unpack1gramsUnpack JSTOR journal articles and bibliographic data to a...
JSTOR_unpack2gramsUnpack JSTOR journal articles and bibliographic data to a...
JSTOR_unpack_multiple_archivesUnpacks multiple zip files of JSTOR journal articles and...
benmarwick/JSTORr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 12:59 p.m.