Man pages for benmarwick/au13uwgeoarchlab
Analysing and visualising geoarchaeology data

biplot_with_correlationPlots a biplot of two variables and gives details about their...
derivative_datesComputes first derivative of the radiocarbon dates data
get_dataGet geoarchaeological and radiocarbon date data from a Google...
interpolate_dateInterpolate a radiocarbon date from a given depth below the...
plot_datesPlot radiocarbon date data
psd_plot_one_samplePlots the particle size distribution of a single sample
psd_prepPrepares the particle size data for analysis and plotting
psd_statsSummary statistics for particle size distributions
psd_strat_plotStratigraphic plot of sand-silt-clay percentages for all...
psd_ternary_plotDisplays all the samples on a ternary plot
psd_three_classesSummarizes the particle size data into sand-silt-clay
rmd_to_pdfMake a PDF from a R Markdown file
strat_plot_key_variablesDraw a stratigraphic plot of key geoarchaeological variables
benmarwick/au13uwgeoarchlab documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:01 p.m.