# load data from package

Compute number of transmission events per time-block

# STEP 2: Compute number of transmission events per time-block #

numberOfTransmissionEventsPerYear = 1

# this includes zeros for artificial 'gap' timeblocks, 
# otherwise it's similar to rowSums(arrowhead_data) 
obsSampleSize <- c(2, 0, 3, 0, 21, 0, 21, 0, 56, 54, 0, 30, 41, 52)  

startDates <- c(3700, 3600, 3450, 3450, 3200, 3200, 3100, 3100, 3050, 3010, 
                2930, 2850, 2750, 2600)

endDates <- c(3600, 3450, 3450, 3200, 3200, 3100, 3100, 3050, 3010, 2930, 
              2850, 2750, 2600, 1650)

transmissionEvents <- (startDates - endDates) / numberOfTransmissionEventsPerYear

start <- numeric()
end <- numeric()

timesteps = 1 

for (x in 1:length(obsSampleSize))
  start[x] = timesteps
  if (transmissionEvents[x] > 0)
  {SEQ <- seq.int(timesteps, length.out = transmissionEvents[x])}
  # notice that the number of transmission events is rounded by the seq.int() function
  else {SEQ = timesteps
  end[x] = SEQ[length(SEQ)]
  timesteps = end[x]
  if (transmissionEvents[x] > 0)
  {timesteps = timesteps + 1

startend <- data.frame(start = start, end = end)

Compute observed summary statistics

# STEP 3 compute observed summary statistics #

# calculate  observed cultural distances
morisitaHornDist <- vegdist(arrowhead_data, "horn")
observed <- as.numeric(morisitaHornDist)
numOb <- length(observed)

# bootstrap analysis
nBoots <- 1000  # define number of bootstrap simulations
bootRes <- matrix(NA, ncol = numOb, nrow = nBoots)

for (x in 1:nBoots) {
    tmp <- t(apply(arrowhead_data, 1, function(x, names) {
        return(instances(sample(x = names, size = sum(x), replace = TRUE, 
            prob = x), variants = names))
    }, names = colnames(arrowhead_data)))
    bootRes[x, ] <- as.numeric(vegdist(tmp, "horn"))

Plot the observed relationship between distance in time (Δ) and Morisita–Horn dissimilarity (DMH).

# Fig 2

# reshape distance matrix
morisitaHornDist_m <- as.matrix(morisitaHornDist)
m2 <- melt(morisitaHornDist_m)[melt(upper.tri(morisitaHornDist_m))$value,]
names(m2) <- c("c1", "c2", "distance")

# compute t1-t2
m2$c1a <- as.numeric(substr(m2$c1, 1, 4))
m2$c2a <- as.numeric(substr(m2$c2, 1, 4))
m2$delta_t <- with(m2, c1a - c2a)

# fit exponential model
fit <-  nls(distance ~ SSasymp(delta_t, Asym, R0, lrc), data = m2)
# Residual sum of squares
RSS.p <- sum(residuals(fit)^2)
# Total sum of squares
TSS <- sum((m2$distance - mean(m2$distance))^2)
# R-squared measure
r2 <- 1 - (RSS.p/TSS)

# plot with loess and exponential line 
ggplot(m2, aes(delta_t, distance)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE,
            colour = 'red') +
geom_smooth(method = "nls", 
            formula = y ~ SSasymp(x, Asym, R0, lrc), 
            se = FALSE) +
  xlab("distance in time (Δ)") +
  ylab("Morisita–Horn dissimilarity (DMH)")

Define parameters for simulation

# STEP 4 run simulation #

# fix parameters
timesteps <-  startend$end[nrow(startend)]

# define prior ranges
priorMu <- c(1e-04, 0.05)
priorNe <- c(50, 1000)
priorZ <- c(1/30, 1/15)
priorBab <- c(0, 0.5)
priorBcb <- c(-0.5, 0)

# define number of simulations for each model
nsim = 100  #this is an example with just 100 runs, the original paper conducted 100,000 runs

# define parameter space

# Unbiased Model
simparamUB <- data.frame(mu = runif(nsim, min = priorMu[1], max = priorMu[2]), 
    Ne = round(runif(nsim, min = priorNe[1], max = priorNe[2])), z = runif(nsim, 
        min = priorZ[1], max = priorZ[2]))

# AntiConformist Bias Model:
simparamAB <- data.frame(mu = runif(nsim, min = priorMu[1], max = priorMu[2]), 
    Ne = round(runif(nsim, min = priorNe[1], max = priorNe[2])), z = runif(nsim, 
        min = priorZ[1], max = priorZ[2]), b = runif(nsim, min = priorBab[1], 
        max = priorBab[2]))

# Conformist Bias Model:
simparamCB <- data.frame(mu = runif(nsim, min = priorMu[1], max = priorMu[2]), 
    Ne = round(runif(nsim, min = priorNe[1], max = priorNe[2])), z = runif(nsim, 
        min = priorZ[1], max = priorZ[2]), b = runif(nsim, min = priorBcb[1], 
        max = priorBcb[2]))

# create matrix for storing simultaed summary statistics
simresUB <- matrix(NA, nrow = nsim, ncol = numOb)
simresAB <- matrix(NA, nrow = nsim, ncol = numOb)
simresCB <- matrix(NA, nrow = nsim, ncol = numOb) 

Run simulation loop

#run simulation loop (this will take a LOT of time!!!)

for (s in 1:nsim) {
    # unbiased model:
    tmpUB <- culturalTransmission(Ne = simparamUB$Ne[s], mu = simparamUB$mu[s], 
        z = simparamUB$z[s], b = 0, timesteps = timesteps, warmup = 30000)

    # anti-conformist bias model:
    tmpAB <- culturalTransmission(Ne = simparamAB$Ne[s], mu = simparamAB$mu[s], 
        z = simparamUB$z[s], b = simparamAB$b[s], timesteps = timesteps, 
        warmup = 30000)

    # anti-conformist bias model:
    tmpCB <- culturalTransmission(Ne = simparamAB$Ne[s], mu = simparamAB$mu[s], 
        z = simparamUB$z[s], b = simparamAB$b[s], timesteps = timesteps, 
        warmup = 30000)

    #### Sampling from simulation output...

    tmpUB <- sampler(tmpUB, samplesizes = obsSampleSize, sampleblocks = startend)
    if (nrow(tmpUB) > 1) 
            tmpUB <- tmpUB[which(obsSampleSize > 0), ]
        }  #remove phases without samples
    if (any(apply(tmpUB, 2, sum) > 0)) 
            tmpUB <- tmpUB[, which(apply(tmpUB, 2, sum) > 0)]
        }  #remove variants that are not observed

    tmpAB <- sampler(tmpAB, samplesizes = obsSampleSize, sampleblocks = startend)
    if (nrow(tmpAB) > 1) 
            tmpAB <- tmpAB[which(obsSampleSize > 0), ]
        }  #remove phases without samples
    if (any(apply(tmpAB, 2, sum) > 0)) 
            tmpAB <- tmpAB[, which(apply(tmpAB, 2, sum) > 0)]
        }  #remove variants that are not observed

    tmpCB <- sampler(tmpCB, samplesizes = obsSampleSize, sampleblocks = startend)
    if (nrow(tmpCB) > 1) 
            tmpCB <- tmpCB[which(obsSampleSize > 0), ]
        }  #remove phases without samples
    if (any(apply(tmpCB, 2, sum) > 0)) 
            tmpCB <- tmpCB[, which(apply(tmpCB, 2, sum) > 0)]
        }  #remove variants that are not observed

    # store results

    simresUB[s, ] <- as.numeric(vegdist(tmpUB, "horn"))
    simresAB[s, ] <- as.numeric(vegdist(tmpAB, "horn"))
    simresCB[s, ] <- as.numeric(vegdist(tmpCB, "horn"))

    # for interactive work, show progress
    # timestamp in console to get a rough idea of how long it's taking
    # between runs



# STEP 5  ABC #

# NOTE: Notice the example below includes all data-points, including
# those of phases I and II

# estimate parameter posteriors (example for unbiased transmission)

# e.g. (standard approach)
UBpost1 <- abc(target = observed, sumstat = simresUB, param = simparamUB, 
    tol = 0.01, method = "rejection") # adjust tol values to ~1

# e.g. (bootstrap approach)
UBpost2 <- abc2(target = bootRes, sumstat = simresUB, param = simparamUB, 
    tol = 0.01, method = "rejection") # adjust tol values to ~1

# posterior values can then be examined e.g.
hist(UBpost1$unadj.values[, 1])

hist(UBpost2$unadj.values[, 1])

# model selection:
# number of simulations, should be identical for all models
models <- c(rep("UB", nsim), rep("AB", nsim), rep("CB", nsim))

# e.g. (standard approach)
modelCompare1 <- postpr(target = observed, index = models, sumstat = rbind(simresUB, 
    simresAB, simresCB), tol = 0.01, method = "rejection")
# e.g. (bootstrap approach)
modelCompare2 <- postpr2(target = bootRes, index = models, sumstat = rbind(simresUB, 
    simresAB, simresCB), tol = 0.01, method = "rejection")

# the results of the model selection can be examined with the
# summary function:

# e.g.

Hypothesis Testing

# STEP 6 Hypothesis Testing #

# expected value

nsim # number of simulations for the hypothesis testing (i.e. total number of simulation multiplied by the tolerance level)

index = 34 # index is the specific value in the observed summary statistic

hist(simresUB[UBpost1$region, index], xlim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Dissimilarity", col = "lightgrey") #histogram of expected value

abline(v = observed[index], lty = 2) #observed value

#one-sided p-values:

1 - sum(simresUB[UBpost1$region, index] < observed[index]) / nsim #larger than expected

1 - sum(simresUB[UBpost1$region, index] > observed[index]) / nsim #smaller than expected

benmarwick/culturalevochange documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:02 p.m.