Man pages for benmbutler/powdR
Full Pattern Summation of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data

afpsAutomated full pattern summation
afps.powdRlibAutomated full pattern summation
afsisAfrica Soil Information Service (AfSIS) XRPD reference...
afsis_codesOriginal codes for the 'afsis' reference patterns
afsis_regroupRegrouping structure for the Africa Soil Information Service...
align_xyAlign XRPD data to a given standard
align_xy.multiXYAlign XRPD data in a multiXY object to a given standard
align_xy.XYAlign XRPD data in an XY object to a given standard
as_multi_xyCreate a multiXY object a multiXY object from a list of XRPD data
as_multi_xy.listCreate a multiXY object from a list of XRPD data
as_xyCreate an XY object
bkgFit a background to XRPD data
close_quantClose the phase concentration data within a 'powdRfps' or...
close_quant.powdRafpsClose the phase concentration data within a 'powdRafps'...
close_quant.powdRfpsClose the phase concentration data within a 'powdRfps' object
deltaCalculate the Delta value for a fitted pattern
extract_xyImport and extract XY data from proprietary files
fpsFull pattern summation
fps_lmFull pattern summation using linear regression
fps_lm.powdRlibFull pattern summation using linear regression
fps.powdRlibFull pattern summation
interpolateInterpolate an XY, multiXY or powdRlib object to a given...
interpolate.multiXYInterpolate a multiXY object onto a given 2theta scale.
interpolate.powdRlibInterpolate a 'powdRlib' object onto a given 2theta scale.
interpolate.XYInterpolate an 'XY' object onto a given 2theta scale.
merge.powdRlibMerge two powdRlib objects
mineralsAn example powdRlib reference library
minerals_phasesExample phases table for a reference library
minerals_regroupExample regrouping structure for the 'minerals' data
minerals_xrdExample xrd table for a reference library
multi_xy_to_dfConvert a multiXY object to a data frame.
multi_xy_to_df.multiXYConvert a multiXY object to a data frame.
omit_stdOmit the internal standard from phase concentration data...
omit_std.powdRafpsOmit the internal standard from phase concentration data...
omit_std.powdRfpsOmit the internal standard from phase concentration data...
plot.multiXYPlotting a multiXY object
plot.powdRafpsPlotting elements of a powdRafps object
plot.powdRbkgPlotting a powdRbkg object
plot.powdRfpsPlotting elements of a powdRfps object
plot.powdRlibPlotting elements of a powdRlib object
plot.powdRlmPlotting elements of a powdRlm object
plot.XYPlotting an XY object
powdRpowdR: Full Pattern Summation of X-Ray Powder Diffraction...
powdRlibCreate an XRPD reference library
rCalculate the R value for a fitted pattern
read_xyRead ASCII XY data
rockjockRockJock reference library
rockjock_mixturesRockJock synthetic mixtures
rockjock_regroupRegrouping structure for the rockjock reference library
rockjock_weightsMineral concentrations of the 'rockjock_mixtures' data
run_bkgRun the background fitting shiny app
run_powdRRun the powdR shiny app
rwpCalculate the Rwp value for a fitted pattern
soilsExample soil XRPD data
subset.powdRlibSubset a powdRlib object
summarise_mineralogySummarise the mineralogy from multiple powdRfps and powdRafps...
tabulate_lodTabulate limit of detection estimates
tabulate_lod.powdRafpsTabulate limit of detection estimates
tabulate_lod.powdRfpsTabulate limit of detection estimates
tth_transformTransform a two theta axis between wavelengths
xrpd_pcaPCA of XRPD data
benmbutler/powdR documentation built on Nov. 29, 2021, 1:05 p.m.