custom_pi_prior: Create a vector of pi Dirichlet priors with specified values...

View source: R/custom_pi_prior.R

custom_pi_priorR Documentation

Create a vector of pi Dirichlet priors with specified values for one or more collections


This handles a case in which the user provides a data frame for pi_prior. The data frame lists desired Dirichlet parameter priors for at least one reference collection, and/or a default value for all unspecified collections.


custom_pi_prior(P, C)



A data frame of one or more desired pi prior parameters. One column, "collection", is a character vector, with valid values including the names of any reference collections, or the special value "DEFAULT_PI". The second column, "pi_param" is the prior value to be used for each collection.


a tibble with a column "collection" collection names


Input checking is currently done in the early stages of infer_mixture in order to throw errors before long processing times, and avoid re-checking during bootstrap_rho.

benmoran11/rubias documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 10:52 p.m.