geom_body: Add normal body map to your 'humap'

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Use this function to draw a choropleth on a human body map.


  mapping = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  body_halves = NULL,
  annotate = "freq",
  bridge_side = NULL,
  bridge_loc = NULL,
  combine = NULL,
  controls = NULL,
  type = "simple",
  proj = "neutral",
  stat = "count",
  na.rm = FALSE,
  show.legend = FALSE,
  inherit.aes = TRUE,



aes() object, just like other ggplot2 functions, with two aesthetics: loc is the name of the data frame column containing localisation codes for observations; and side the column holding the laterality data (must be either "left" or "right, but see bridge_side). It is possible to supply a fill argument to use pre-computed summary statistics (see below).


data frame, like the type you'd feed into ggplot() when producing a histogram. Is expected to be tidy, but can contain a summary statistic; in that case, you must specify a fill aesthetic and set stat = "identity" in the call to the geom.


character string defining how to deal with body halves. "separate" (default with side aesthetic) discriminates the left half from the right; "join" (default without side aesthetic) merges observations in, e.g., right and left side of the chest.


"freq" (defaults) shows only absolute and relative frequencies, "all" includes region names, and NA omits labels altogether. See Details for ways to fine-tune the apperance of annotations.


named list, specyfing the bridge from your laterality values for each of the native values of geom_body, e.g. list(left = c("left", "l"), right = c("right", "r"), mid = c("mid", "m")). The mid element is only required if mid-line observation are included, see the controls argument.


named list specifying the bridge from your data format to the native format of geom_body, e.g., list(head = c("head", "face", "scalp")). See Details.


named list of vectors naming the regions to be combined and mapped as one, e.g., list(arm = c("shoulder", "arm", "elbow", "wrist")). See Details for behaviour.


named list of more specific parameters for fine-tuning the appereance of the humap. Currently, these controls are available (more will follow in the future):

  • na_fill: should be a string or function specifying the fill of zero-count regions (default: "black")

  • label_pad: a numeric defining the padding between labels, in percent of map height (default: 3.5)

  • mid_include: a logical defining whether to include mid-line observations and split them equally between left and right (default: FALSE)

  • round_counts: a logical indicating whether to round (up) half-counts in annotation labels when splitting mid-line observations between left and right (default: FALSE)


currently, only "simple" is available, but we're working on more natural-looking and sex-specific maps as well.


"front" or "back". Ignored if type = "simple", so currently not in use.


either "count" (default) or "identity". Use the former with tidy data, and the latter when you supply a column with a pre-computed summary statistic. When using stat = "identity", you must supply the name of the column with the summary statistic as the fill aesthetic.


logical indicating whether to remove missing data. Default is FALSE.

show.legend, inherit.aes, ...

passed on to the underlying machinery of the geom.


The annotate argument may be a named list with any combination of the following four elements:

The bridge argument allows you to use your own localisation values, and bridge them to those of geom_body. The idea is simple: you supply a named list, each element of which corresponds one region in the geom_body map; the name of the element should be the name of the region, and the element value a character vector of values in your data that correspond to that region. See vignette [add reference to vignette here] for examples.

If you want to combine several regions and map them as one, supply a named list in combine, following this logic: the name of each element will be printed as the annotation text (if you so desire), and the element must be a character vector specifying the names of geom_body regions to map as one. Underscores in the list element names will be converted to spaces. Make sure to not use a name for a merged region that is already used for another region; e.g., this is not allowed, because hand is already the name of another region: list(hand = c("shoulder", "arm", "elbow", "wrist")). You may, however, use a name of a region inside the group, e.g., list(hand = c("wrist", "hand")).


A layer object to be added to a humap object.

benskov/humapr documentation built on April 3, 2021, 6:52 a.m.