Man pages for benstory/mitoClone2
Clonal Population Identification in Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data using Mitochondrial and Somatic Mutations

bam2R_10xRead nucleotide counts from a 10x Genomics .bam file
baseCountsFromBamListCreate a list object from a list of single-cell BAM files...
clusterMetaclonesCluster mutations into clones - following the tree structure
dataMitochondrial exclusionlist
getAlleleCountmutationCalls counts accessor
getCloneLikelihoodmutationCalls accessors
getVarsCandidatemutationCalls cluster accessor
mitoPlotPlot clone-specific variants in circular plots
mut2GRConvert mutation string to GRanges
mutationCalls-classmutationCalls class
mutationCallsFromCohortCreate a mutationCalls objects from nucleotide base calls and...
mutationCallsFromExclusionlistCreate a mutationCalls object from nucleotide base calls...
mutationCallsFromMatrixmutationCalls constructor
overwriteMetaclonesManually overwrite clustering of mutations into clones
plotClonesPlot clonal assignment of single cells
pullcountsVarsPull variant counts
quick_clusterQuick clustering of mutations
removeWindowRemove mutations that occuring at the same site
setVarsCandidatemutationCalls cluster setter
varClusterInference of mutational trees by of single cell mutational...
benstory/mitoClone2 documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 6:45 a.m.