varCluster: Inference of mutational trees by of single cell mutational...

View source: R/clustering.R

varClusterR Documentation

Inference of mutational trees by of single cell mutational status


From data on the observed mutational status of single cells at a number of genomic sites, computes a likely phylogenetic tree using PhISCS ( and associates single cells with leaves of the tree. The function clusterMetaclones should be called on the output in order to group mutations into clones using a likelihood-based approach.


  fn = 0.1,
  fp = 0.02,
  cores = 1,
  time = 10000,
  tempfolder = tempdir(),
  python_env = "",
  force_recalc = FALSE,
  method = "SCITE"



object of class mutationCalls.


false negative rate, i.e. the probability of only observing the reference allele if there is a mutation. #add gene-wise


false positive, i.e. the probability of observing the mutant allele if there is no mutation.


number of cores to use for PhISCS (defaults to 1)


maximum time to be used for PhISCS optimization, in seconds (defaults to 10000)


temporary folder to use for PhISCS output


Any shell commands to execute in order to make the gurobi python package available. The easiest solution is running R from an environment where the gurobi python package is avaiable. In some settings (e.g. RStudio Server), this parameter can be used instead. muta_clone executes PhISCS using a system call to python. The value of this parameter is prepended to the call. If you have a conda environment myenv that contains gurobipy, source activate myenv can work. Occassionally RStudio Server modifies your PATH so that that the conda and source commands are not available. In that case you can for example use export PATH=/path/to/conda/:$PATH; source activate myenv. easybuild users can module load anaconda/v3; source activate myenv


Rerun PhISCS even if the tempfolder contains valid PhISCS output


A string variable of either PhISCS or SCITE depending on the tree-inferring software the user wants to use. Default: PhISCS


an object of class mutationCalls, with an inferred tree structure and cell to clone assignment added.


load(system.file("extdata/LudwigFig7.Rda",package =
LudwigFig7 <- varCluster(LudwigFig7,
python_env = "",method='SCITE')

benstory/mitoClone2 documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 6:45 a.m.