Man pages for bentrueman/bgamcar1
Fit Bayesian GAMs With CAR(1) Errors To Censored Data

add_car1Add the CAR(1) autocorrelation structure.
add_car1_errAdd simulated CAR(1) error to model
add_pred_draws_car1Generate predictions for CAR(1) model
add_resid_draws_car1Generate residual draws from a 'brms' model object
add_stancodeAdd Stan code to the generated quantities block
calc_acfCalculate residual autocorrelation
calc_llCalculate the log-likelihood of the posterior predictive...
extract_paramsExtract parameters from a 'brms' model
extract_respExtract formula variables from a 'brmsfit' object
filter_car1CAR(1) filter
fit_stan_modelFit a stan model using (modified) code and data generated by...
impute_censoredImpute left-censored observations via posterior prediction.
local_slopeCalculate the local slope of a smooth term using finite...
loo_cvApproximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) using...
modify_stancodeModify stan code generated by 'brms' to fit a CAR(1) model
modify_standataModify Stan data to include left-censoring limits on...
ppc_km_nadaGenerate ECDFs for posterior predictive checks with...
retransBack-tranform scaled, (possibly) logged model predictions
summarize_predsSummarize model predictions
bentrueman/bgamcar1 documentation built on July 6, 2024, 11:16 p.m.