
#' Downloads quarterly housing prices for the years v.0.8
#' 2006-2016 to the current working directory as 5 excel files
#' @param year defaults to true
#' @family download
#' @keywords housing, cpi, price, download, fetch, CBS, dataset
#' @export
#' @examples
#' downloadHousingPrices(13)
#' downloadHousingPrices(FALSE)
#' downloadHousingPrices(3)
#' downloadHousingPrices()

downloadHousingPrices <- function(key = 3) {
    ## set variables test file
    test.url = "http://www-eng-x.llnl.gov/documents/a_image.gif"
    ## list of files on CBS site 2014q3-q4,15,16q1-q3
    yr14_16.url = "http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/price_new/a6_2_e.xls"
    ## 2014q1-q2
    yr14.url = "http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/archive/201503/price_new/a6_2_e.xls"
    ## 2013,12
    yr12_13.url = "http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/archive/201403/price_new/a6_2_e.xls"
    ## 2011,10
    yr10_11.url = "http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/archive/201203/price_new/a6_2_e.xls"
    ## 2009,08
    yr08_09.url = "http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/archive/201003/price_new/a6_2_e.xls"
    ## 2007,06
    yr06_07.url = "http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/archive/200803/price_new/a6_2_e.xls"
    ## 05,04 no quarterly data publicly available for this year.
    ## http://www.cbs.gov.il/www/archive/200603/price/t16_3_e.xls change useragent
    ## (curl is blocked to prevent scraping of data from the website)
    options(HTTPUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64)")
    if (key == 1) {
        print("Downloading Housing Prices 2006-2016 from the Central Bureau of Statistics.")
        ## get data 2014q1 to 2016 q3
        f = CFILE("houseP14_16.xls", mode = "wb")  ##creates a file in which to write downloaded data.
        curlPerform(url = yr14_16.url, verbose = TRUE, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), 
            writedata = f@ref)
        ## get data 2012q1-2013q4
        f = CFILE("houseP12_13.xls", mode = "wb")
        curlPerform(url = yr12_13.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), writedata = f@ref)
        ## get data 2010q1-2011q4
        f = CFILE("houseP10_11.xls", mode = "wb")
        curlPerform(url = yr10_11.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), writedata = f@ref)
        ## get data 2008q1-2009q4
        f = CFILE("houseP09_08.xls", mode = "wb")
        curlPerform(url = yr08_09.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), writedata = f@ref)
        ## get data 2006q1-2007q4
        f = CFILE("houseP06_07.xls", mode = "wb")
        curlPerform(url = yr06_07.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), writedata = f@ref)
    } else if (key == 16) {
        if (file.exists("houseP14_16.xls")) {
            # print('2014-16 already downloaded')
        } else {
            print("downloading 2014-16")
            ## get data 2014q1 to 2016 q3
            g = CFILE("houseP14_16.xls", mode = "wb")  ##creates a file in which to write downloaded data.
            curlPerform(url = yr14_16.url, verbose = TRUE, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), 
                writedata = g@ref)
    } else if (key == 14) {
        if (file.exists("houseP14q1-2.xls")) {
            # print('2014q1-q2 already downloaded')
        } else {
            print("downloading q1,q2 of 2014")
            ## get data 2012q1-2013q4
            z = CFILE("houseP14q1-2.xls", mode = "wb")
            curlPerform(url = yr14.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), writedata = z@ref)
    } else if (key == 13) {
        if (file.exists("houseP12_13.xls")) {
            # print('2012-13 already downloaded')
        } else {
            print("downloading 2012-13")
            ## get data 2012q1-2013q4
            h = CFILE("houseP12_13.xls", mode = "wb")
            curlPerform(url = yr12_13.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), 
                writedata = h@ref)
    } else if (key == 11) {
        if (file.exists("houseP10_11.xls")) {
            # print('2010-11 already downloaded')
        } else {
            print("downloading 2010-11")
            ## get data 2010q1-2011q4
            i = CFILE("houseP10_11.xls", mode = "wb")
            curlPerform(url = yr10_11.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), 
                writedata = i@ref)
    } else if (key == 9) {
        if (file.exists("houseP08_09.xls")) {
            # print('2008-09 already downloaded')
        } else {
            print("downloading 2008-09")
            ## get data 2008q1-2009q4
            j = CFILE("houseP08_09.xls", mode = "wb")
            curlPerform(url = yr08_09.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), 
                writedata = j@ref)
    } else if (key == 7) {
        if (file.exists("houseP06_07.xls")) {
            # print('2006-07 already downloaded')
        } else {
            print("downloading 2006-07")
            k = CFILE("houseP06_07.xls", mode = "wb")
            curlPerform(url = yr06_07.url, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), 
                writedata = k@ref)
    } else if (key == 3) {
        print("Downloading test file logo.gif to your working directory.")
        f = CFILE("logo.gif", mode = "wb")
        curlPerform(url = test.url, verbose = TRUE, useragent = getOption("HTTPUserAgent"), 
            writedata = f@ref)
    } else {
        print("Census data for those years not yet implemented.")
# assumes: source('stats.r') import data source('importCensus.r') #how many
# columns are there? = 74 ncol(file456) #age summary(file456$AGE) #age is grouped
# by 0-4 years old, 5-9, 10-14, etc. until 85+ hist(file456$AGE) #subset a few
# columns subSetInd2014<-dplyr::select(file456,YEARSUR,WPLDIST,USSRBORN,INCSAL)
# ##subset to only 3 cities, easier to copy DFW boxplot code subCitiesInd2014 <-
# subSetInd2014 %>% dplyr::filter(WPLDIST=='Center' | WPLDIST=='Tel-Aviv' |
# WPLDIST=='Gush Dan')
benyomin/censusFunctions documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:03 p.m.