Man pages for bergsmat/yamlet
Versatile Curation of Table Metadata a Data Frame
anti_join.decoratedAnti_join Decorated
append_unitsAppend Units Units for Data Frame
append_units.defaultAppend Units By Default
arbitrateArbitrate Two Attributes
arbitrate.defaultArbitrate Default
arbitrate.listArbitrate List
arbitrate.namedListArbitrate Named List
arbitrate.NULLArbitrate Null
arrange.decoratedArrange Decorated
as.character.yamCoerce Yam to Character
as.character.yamletCoerce Yamlet to Character Decorated Vector to Data Frame Yamlet to Data Frame
as_decoratedCoerce to Decorated
as_decorated.defaultCoerce to Decorated by Default
as_dvecCoerce to Decorated Vector
as_dvec.characterCoerce Character to Decorated Vector
as_dvec.complexCoerce Complex to Decorated Vector
as_dvec.dvecCoerce Decorated Vector to Decorated Vector
as_dvec.integerCoerce Integer to Decorated Vector
as_dvec.logicalCoerce Logical to Decorated Vector
as_dvec.numericCoerce Numeric to Decorated Vector
as_dvec.unitsCoerce Units to Decorated Vector
as.integer.classifiedCoerce Classified to Integer
as_spork.symbolic_unitsCoerce Symbolic Units to Spork
as_spork.unitsCoerce Units to Spork
as_spork.unit_stringCoerce Unit String to Spork
as_units.dvecCoerce Decorated Vector to Units
as_unit_stringCoerce to Unit String
as_unit_string.characterCoerce Character to Unit String
as_unit_string.factorCoerce Factor to Unit String
as_unit_string.symbolic_unitsCoerce Symbolic Units to Unit String.
as_unit_string.unitsCoerce Units to Unit String.
as_yamCoerce to Yam
as_yam.characterCoerce Character to Yam
as_yamletCoerce to Yamlet
as_yamlet.characterCoerce Character To Yamlet Format Data Frame to Yamlet
as_yamlet.listCoerce List to Yamlet
as_yamlet.yamCoerce Yam To Yamlet Format
as_yamlet.yamletCoerce Yamlet to Yamlet
as_yam.yamletCoerce Yamlet to Yam
canonicalEnforce Canonical Order
canonical.decoratedSort Decorations
canonical.yamletSort Yamlet
c.classifiedCombine Classified
c.dvecCombine Decorated Vector
cell_valueCalculate a Cell Value
classifiedClassify Something
classified.classifiedCreate Classified from Classified Data Frame
classified.defaultCreate Classified by Default
classified.dvecClassify Decorated Vector
classified.factorCreate Classified from Factor
conditionalizeConditionalize Attributes Attributes of Data Frame
dd_castCoerce Data.frame to Decorated
dd_ptype2Coerce Common Type to Decorated
decorateDecorate a List-like Object
decorate.characterDecorate Character Data Frame
decorate_groupsCapture Groups as Decorations Groups as Decorations for Data Frame
decorate.listDecorate List
decorationsRetrieve Decorations Decorations for Data Frame
decorations_groupsRecover Groups Decorations Groups Decorations for Data Frame
desolveDesolve Guide
desolve.classifiedDesolve Guide for Classified Data Frame
desolve.decoratedDesolve Guide for Decorated
desolve.dvecDesolve Guide for Decorated Vector
drop_titleDrop Title
drop_title.decoratedDrop Title for Decorated
drop_title.defaultDrop Title by Default
drop_title.dvecDrop Title for Decorated Vector
encode.yamletEncode Yamlet
explicit_guideCoerce Guide to Something More Explicit Data Frame Guide to Something More Explicit
explicit_guide.dvecCoerce Decorated Vector Guide to Something More Explicit
explicit_guide.yamletCoerce Yamlet Guide to Something More Explicit
filter.decoratedFilter Decorated
footnoteFootnote Something
footnote.decoratedFootnote Decorated
format.dvecFormat Decorated Vector
full_join.decoratedFull_join Decorated
gather.decoratedGather a Decorated Data Frame
ggplot_add.ggplot_isometricAdd Isometry to Plot Object
ggplot_add.ggplot_symmetricAdd Symmetry to Plot Object
ggplot_build.decorated_ggplotEnable Automatic Labels and Units for ggplot
ggplot.decoratedCreate a New ggplot for a Decorated Data Frame
ggreadyPrepare Data for GGplot Data Frame for GGplot
ggready.decoratedPrepare Decorated Data Frame for GGplot
group_by.decoratedGroup_by Decorated
group_by_decorationsGroup by Decorations by Decorations for Data Frame
implicit_guideCoerce Guide to Something More Implicit Data Frame Guide to Something More Implicit
implicit_guide.dvecCoerce Decorated Vector Guide to Something More Implicit
infer_guideInfer Type of Guide
inner_join.decoratedInner_join Decorated
io_csvImport and Export Documented Tables as CSV
io_csv.characterImport Documented Table as CSV Documented Table as CSV
io_resImport and Export Resolved Tables
io_res.characterImport Documented Table as Resolved
io_res.decoratedExport Resolved Table
io_tableImport and Export Documented Tables
io_table.characterImport Documented Table Documented Table
io_yamletImport and Export Yamlet
io_yamlet.characterImport Yamlet Data Frame Attributes as Yamlet
io_yamlet.yamletExport Yamlet
isConditionalTest Object is Conditional
isConditional.defaultTest Object is Conditional by Default
isConditional.listTest List is Conditional
is_dvecTest if Class is dvec
isLevelsTest Value is Levels
isLevels.characterTest Character Value is Levels
isLevels.defaultTest Value is Levels by Default
isometricEnforce Isometry
is_parseableCheck Parseable as Units
is_parseable.defaultCheck Something is Parseable as Units by Default
left_join.decoratedLeft_join Decorated
length.dvecGet Length of a Decorated Vector
list2encodingCoerce List to Encoding
make_titleMake Title
make_title.decoratedMake Title for Decorated
make_title.defaultMake Title by Default
make_title.dvecMake Title for Decorated Vector
merge.decoratedMerge Decorated
mimicTry To Look Like Something Else
mimic.classifiedTry To Make Classified Look Like Another Equal-length...
mimic.defaultTry To Look Like Another Equal-length Variable
modifyModify Attributes of Indicated Components
modify.defaultModify Attributes of Indicated Components by Default
mutate.decoratedMutate Decorated
namedEvaluate Named Arguments
names-set-.decoratedAssign Names of Decorated
parsimoniousReduce Something to its Simplest Sufficient Version
parsimonious.defaultReduce by Default to Simplest Sufficient Version
parsimonious.listReduce A List to its Simplest Sufficient Version
print.decorated_ggplotSubstitute Expressions, Titles, Labels and Aesthetics in...
print.decorated_xtablePrint Decorated Xtable
print.dvecPrint Decorated Vector
print.yamletPrint a Yamlet
promotePromote Something Data Frame
promote.defaultPromote by Default
promote.listPromote a List
proxyCalculate Substitute Values
proxy.factorCalculate Substitute Values for Factor Levels
read_yamletRead Yamlet
reconcileReconcile Atttributes
reconcile.listReconcile Atttributes of List Members
redecorateRedecorate a List-like Object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rescale.dvecRescale dvec
resolveResolve Guide
resolve.classifiedResolve Classified Data Frame
resolve.decoratedResolve Guide for Decorated
resolve.dvecResolve Guide for Decorated Vector
right_join.decoratedRight_join Decorated
scale_type.dvecDetermine Scale Type for dvec
scriptedRender Scripted Attributes of Indicated Components
scripted.defaultRender Scripted Attributes of Indicated Components by Default
select.decoratedSelect Decorated
selectedIdentify Selected Names
selected.defaultIdentify Selected Names by Default
semi_join.decoratedSemi_join Decorated
singularityChoose Singular Expression
slice.decoratedSlice Decorated
sub-.classifiedSubset Classified
sub-.decorateda <- as_decorated(as.list(setNames(letters[1:3],...
sub-.dvecSubset Decorated Vector
subset-.classifiedAssign Subset of Classified
subset-.decoratedAssign Subset of Decorated
subset-.dvecAssign Subset of Decorated Vector
sub-sub-.classifiedElement-select Classified
sub-sub-.decoratedElement-select Decorated.
sub-sub-.dvecElement-select Decorated Vector
sub-subset-.classifiedAssign Element of Classified
sub-subset-.decoratedAssign Element of Decorated
sub-subset-.dvecAssign Element of Decorated Vector
sub-sub-.unit_stringElement-select Unit String
sub_unitsPlace Units Under Label
sub-.unit_stringSubset Unit String
sub-.yamletSubset Yamlet
summarise.decoratedSummarise Decorated
summarize.decoratedSummarize Decorated
symmetricEnforce Symmetry
to_yamletCoerce to Yamlet Storage Format
to_yamlet.characterCoerce Character to Yamlet Storage Format
to_yamlet.defaultCoerce Default to Yamlet Storage Format
to_yamlet.listCoerce list to yamlet Storage Format
to_yamlet.NULLCoerce Null to Yamlet Storage Format
to_yamlet.numericCoerce Numeric to Yamlet Storage Format
to_yamlet.yamletCoerce Yamlet to Yamlet Storage Format
type_sum.classifiedSummarize Type of Classified
unclassifiedUnclassify Something
unclassified.classifiedUnclassify Classified Data Frame
unclassified.dvecUnclassify Decorated Vector
ungroup.decoratedUngroup Decorated
unnestCollapse Uninformative Levels
unnest.defaultCollapse Uninformative Levels by Default
unnest.listCollapse Uninformative Levels of a List
vec_cast.character.dvecCast to character from dvec
vec_cast.complex.dvecCast to complex from dvec to Data.frame from Decorated to Decorated from Data.frame
vec_cast.decorated.decoratedCast to Decorated from Decorated
vec_cast.double.dvecCast to double from dvec
vec_cast.dvec.characterCast to dvec from character
vec_cast.dvec.complexCast to dvec from complex
vec_cast.dvec.doubleCast to dvec from double
vec_cast.dvec.dvecCast to dvec from dvec
vec_cast.dvec.integerCast to dvec from integer
vec_cast.dvec.logicalCast to dvec from logical
vec_cast.integer.dvecCast to integer from dvec
vec_cast.logical.dvecCast to logical from dvec
vec_ptype2.character.dvecFind Common Type for character, dvec
vec_ptype2.complex.dvecFind Common Type for complex, dvec Common Type for Data.frame and Decorated Common Type for Decorated and Data.frame
vec_ptype2.decorated.decoratedDetermine Common Type for Decorated
vec_ptype2.double.dvecFind Common Type for double, dvec
vec_ptype2.dvec.characterFind Common Type for dvec, dvec
vec_ptype2.dvec.complexFind Common Type for dvec, complex
vec_ptype2.dvec.doubleFind Common Type for dvec, double
vec_ptype2.dvec.dvecFind Common Type for dvec, dvec
vec_ptype2.dvec.integerFind Common Type for dvec, integer
vec_ptype2.dvec.logicalFind Common Type for dvec, logical
vec_ptype2.integer.dvecFind Common Type for integer, dvec
vec_ptype2.logical.dvecFind Common Type for logical, dvec
vec_ptype_abbr.dvecAbbreviate Decorated Vector
write_yamletWrite Yamlet
xtable.decoratedCreate Export Table for Decorated
yamletyamlet: Versatile Curation of Table Metadata
yamlet_optionsDisplay Global Yamlet Options
bergsmat/yamlet documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 8:34 p.m.