Debugged the function R/aggregate_contact_matrix.R, to return the age group labels in the correct order in the row names & column names of the contact matrix.
Bernadette 1.1.5
Improved the description field of the help file for R/priors.R and stated what the default values are in the help comments of the function 'handle_prior'.
Add a comment in R/globals.R aimed at users who are not familiar with Global Variables or are doing something that conflicts with these names.
Bernadette 1.1.4
New features
The end-user is enabled to change the granularity of the effective contact rate within a time-span of seven days.
Bernadette 1.1.3
Bug fixes
Function R/ removed code line 'out$stanfit <- suppressMessages(rstan::sampling(stanfit, data = standata, chains = 0))'.
Functions R/posterior_.R: added a stopping rule that tries to locate "theta_tilde" in 'names(object)', which can only be found in the object returned by rstan::optimizing(). A message is shown, instructing the user to perform Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling using rstan::sampling() or rstan::vb().
Bernadette 1.1.2
Bug fixes
Debugged functions R/, R/stan_igbm.R and R/summary.stangbm.R.