
Defines functions dfRowToList dfRowsToList

Documented in dfRowsToList dfRowToList

#' @title Convert a data.frame row to list of parameter-value-lists.
#' @description Please note that (naturally) the columns of `df` have to be of
#' the correct type w.r.t. the corresponding parameter. The only exception are
#' integer parameters where the corresponding columns in `df` are allowed to be
#' numerics. And also see the argument `enforce.col.types` as a way around this
#' restriction.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  numeric(vector)   \tab  `numeric`  \cr
#'  integer(vector)   \tab  `integer`  \cr
#'  discrete(vector)  \tab  `factor` (names of values = levels) \cr
#'  logical(vector)   \tab  `logical`
#' }
#' Dependent parameters whose requirements are not satisfied are represented by
#' a scalar NA in the output.
#' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr
#'   Data.frame, potentially from [OptPathDF()].
#'   Columns are assumed to be in the same order as par.set.
#' @template arg_parset
#' @param i (`integer(1)`)\cr
#'   Row index.
#' @param enforce.col.types (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Should all `df` columns be initially converted to the type returned by
#'   `getParamTypes(df, df.cols = TRUE)`. This can help to work with
#'   \dQuote{non-standard} data.frames where the types are slightly
#'   \dQuote{off}. But note that there is no guarantee that this will work if
#'   the types are really wrong and there is no naturally correct way to convert
#'   them. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param ... (any)\cr
#'   Arguments passed to [BBmisc::convertDataFrameCols()]
#' @return [`list`]. Named by parameter ids.
#' @export
#' @useDynLib ParamHelpers c_dfRowsToList
#' @rdname dfRowsToList
dfRowsToList = function(df, par.set, enforce.col.types = FALSE, ...) {

  assertClass(df, "data.frame")
  assertClass(par.set, "ParamSet")

  if (enforce.col.types) {
    types = getParamTypes(par.set, df.cols = TRUE)
    for (i in seq_along(types)) {
      tt = types[i]
      if (tt == "factor") {
        df[, i] = as.factor(df[, i])
      } else {
        df[, i] = as(df[, i], tt)

  lens = getParamLengths(par.set)
  cnames = extractSubList(par.set$pars, "cnames", simplify = FALSE)
  int.type = convertTypesToCInts(getParamTypes(par.set, df.cols = TRUE))

  # factors to chars, so we can evaluate requires
  df = convertDataFrameCols(df, factors.as.char = TRUE, ...)
  # ints might just be encoded as nums in df, convert before going to C
  ints.as.double = mapply(function(type, col) type == 2L && is.double(col), type = int.type, col = df)
  df[ints.as.double] = lapply(df[ints.as.double], as.integer)

  .Call("c_dfRowsToList", df, par.set$pars, int.type, names(par.set$pars), lens, cnames, PACKAGE = "ParamHelpers")

#' @export
#' @rdname dfRowsToList
dfRowToList = function(df, par.set, i, enforce.col.types = FALSE, ...) {
  dfRowsToList(df = df, par.set = par.set, enforce.col.types = enforce.col.types, ...)[[i]]
berndbischl/ParamHelpers documentation built on Oct. 25, 2022, 10:49 p.m.