aggregations: Aggregation methods.

aggregationsR Documentation

Aggregation methods.


  • test.mean
    Mean of performance values on test sets.

    Standard deviation of performance values on test sets.

  • test.median
    Median of performance values on test sets.

  • test.min
    Minimum of performance values on test sets.

  • test.max
    Maximum of performance values on test sets.

  • test.sum
    Sum of performance values on test sets.

  • train.mean
    Mean of performance values on training sets.

    Standard deviation of performance values on training sets.

  • train.median
    Median of performance values on training sets.

  • train.min
    Minimum of performance values on training sets.

  • train.max
    Maximum of performance values on training sets.

  • train.sum
    Sum of performance values on training sets.

  • b632
    Aggregation for B632 bootstrap.

  • b632plus
    Aggregation for B632+ bootstrap.

  • testgroup.mean
    Performance values on test sets are grouped according to resampling method. The mean for every group is calculated, then the mean of those means. Mainly used for repeated CV.

    Similar to testgroup.mean - after the mean for every group is calculated, the standard deviation of those means is obtained. Mainly used for repeated CV.

  • test.join
    Performance measure on joined test sets. This is especially useful for small sample sizes where unbalanced group sizes have a significant impact on the aggregation, especially for cross-validation test.join might make sense now. For the repeated CV, the performance is calculated on each repetition and then aggregated with the arithmetic mean.

See Also


berndbischl/mlr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 4:20 p.m.