MBOMultiObjResult: Multi-Objective result object.

MBOMultiObjResultR Documentation

Multi-Objective result object.


  • pareto.front [matrix]Pareto front of all evaluated points.

  • pareto.set [list of lists]Pareto set of all evaluated points.

  • pareto.inds [numeric]Indices of the Pareto-optimal points in the opt.path

  • opt.path [OptPath]Optimization path. Includes all evaluated points and additional information as documented in mbo_OptPath. You can convert it via as.data.frame.

  • final.state [character] The final termination state. Gives information why the optimization ended

  • models [List of WrappedModel]List of saved regression models.

  • control[MBOControl] Control object used in optimization

berndbischl/mlrMBO documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 1:44 p.m.