
# #' Github Authentication
# #'
# #' Functions to enable backend github authentication
# #'
# #' @name BackendAuth
# # authenv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
# #' @describeIn BackendAuth returns github app key
# GitApp <- function(){
#     app_name <- "sqlsauce"
#     cid <- "767908ae5ba9cafa38c6"
#     ckey <- "fc7ba02b5b195f6e47729299645c6af1a94aec39"
#     httr::oauth_app(app_name, cid, ckey)
# }
# #' @describeIn BackendAuth A basic function to interact with Github API.
# #'              Proper credits to Hadley Wickham coming.
# #' @param path The API path
# #' @param gtoken Additional headers for API call
# #' @param json A boolean to indicate whether to check response for json format. Default = TRUE
# github_api <- function(path, gtoken=NULL, json=TRUE) {
#     url <- httr::modify_url("https://api.github.com", path = path)
#     if(!interactive()){
#         url <- httr::modify_url("https://api.github.com", path = path)
#         resp <-httr::GET(url, httr::authenticate("bfatemi", Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")))
#     }else{
#         resp <-httr::GET(url, gtoken)
#     }
#     if(httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
#         # warning("API did not return json", call. = FALSE)
#         return(resp)
#     }
#     parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text"), simplifyVector = FALSE)
#     if (httr::http_error(resp)) {
#         stop(
#             sprintf(
#                 "GitHub API request failed [%s]\n%s\n<%s>",
#                 httr::status_code(resp),
#                 parsed$message,
#                 parsed$documentation_url
#             ),
#             call. = FALSE
#         )
#     }
#     structure(
#         list(
#             content = parsed,
#             path = path,
#             response = resp
#         ),
#         class = "github_api"
#     )
# }
# #' @describeIn BackendAuth A function that checks whether the authenticated github user
# #'              is a member of the given organization
# #' @param orgname Character vector of length 1 that represents the name of the organization
# #' @export
# CheckOrg <- function(orgname="intusurg"){
#     # if not interactive, like testing suite, then pull the locally stored token, else do oauth dance
#     if(!interactive()){
#         r1 <- github_api("/user")
#     }else{
#         token <- httr::oauth2.0_token(endpoint = httr::oauth_endpoints("github"),
#                                       app = GitApp(),
#                                       scope = "read:org, user:email, write:public_key",
#                                       cache = TRUE)
#         gtoken <- httr::config(token = token)
#         r1 <- github_api("/user", gtoken)
#     }
#     usrinfo <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(r1$response, "text"), simplifyVector = FALSE)
#     usr <- usrinfo$login
#     # Get authenticated users organization and tmp check if its intusurg, but later
#     # change to just check github username in an encrypted list of allowed users
#     path <- paste0("/orgs/", orgname, "/members/", usr)
#     r2 <- suppressWarnings(github_api(path, gtoken)) # only care about code that is being returned
#     if(r2$status_code == 204) return(TRUE)
#     return(FALSE)
# }
# #' @describeIn BackendAuth An updated version of the prior function to pull access info.
# #'          This function pulls access info from remote location and stores it locally.
# #'          It can also update local file
# #' @param bUpdate A boolean representing whether to update the local access file
# #' @export
# Databases <- function(bUpdate = FALSE){
#     # soon update this function to change reading/updating local package file to
#     # reading updating global R file but using a environment var. Advantages?
#     packageDir <- system.file("R", package = "sqlsauce")
#     destn <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(paste0(packageDir, "\\dbdata\\database")))
#     # check if this should init data
#     if(!file.exists(destn)) bUpdate <- TRUE
#     # Update db file if user asks or if we need to initialize it (set true above)
#     if(bUpdate){
#         # remove hidden cached file
#         cache_path <- paste0(packageDir, "\\.httr-oauth")
#         suppressWarnings(file.remove(cache_path))
#         # Since we need to pull remote data and update local file,
#         # Check access for remote data using CheckOrg
#         bHasISI <- CheckOrg()
#         if(bHasISI){
#             # Pull the data and save as temp file. Then replace old file safely with FileMove
#             tmpdestn <- suppressWarnings(tempfile(tmpdir = normalizePath(dirname(destn))))
#             if(!interactive()){
#                 # only accept raw
#                 httr::set_config(httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/vnd.github.raw"), override = FALSE)
#                 # get private data on private repo using token
#                 resp <- github_api("/repos/bfatemi/sqlsauce_auth/contents/data/serialdat")
#                 # set back to json
#                 httr::set_config(httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/json"), override = FALSE)
#             }else{
#                 token <- httr::oauth2.0_token(endpoint = httr::oauth_endpoints("github"),
#                                               app = GitApp(),
#                                               scope = "read:org, user:email, write:public_key",
#                                               cache = TRUE)
#                 gtoken <- httr::config(token = token)
#                 # only accept raw
#                 httr::set_config(httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/vnd.github.raw"), override = FALSE)
#                 resp <- github_api("/repos/bfatemi/sqlsauce_auth/contents/data/serialdat",
#                                    gtoken = token, json = FALSE)
#                 # set back to json
#                 httr::set_config(httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/json"), override = FALSE)
#             }
#             dat <- rawToChar(resp$content)
#             # save extracted data in a tmp file in a temp location,
#             # then copy to temp file within the package home folder
#             tmploc <- tempfile()
#             writeLines(dat, con = tmploc)
#             FileMove(fpath = tmploc, destn = tmpdestn) # move temp file into package folder
#             bMove <- FileMove(fpath = tmpdestn, destn = destn, overwrite = TRUE) # replace the old file with the temp file
#             if(!bMove)
#                 warning("File not updated. Old data returned")
#         }else{
#             stop("No access to database file")
#         }
#     }
#     return(readRDS(destn))
# }
# # print.github_api <- function(x, ...) {
# #     cat("<GitHub ", x$path, ">\n", sep = "")
# #     str(x$content)
# #     invisible(x)
# # }
# #' @describeIn BackendAuth A better function to move files. Move later
# #' @param fpath File to move
# #' @param destn new location to move to
# #' @param overwrite A boolean indicating whether to overwrite existing file at destination
# #' @param makedir A boolean indicating whether to create a new directory for destination file
# #'      if one did not previously exist (default = TRUE)
# FileMove <- function(fpath=NULL, destn=NULL, overwrite=FALSE, makedir = TRUE){
#     # automate common helpful checks that are done before a file is moved
#     # wrapper around file.rename
#     if(is.null(destn) | is.null(fpath)){
#         warning("Not moved. Either destn or fpath not provided in arguments")
#         return(FALSE)
#     }
#     # normalize everything
#     destn <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(destn))
#     fpath <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(fpath))
#     fpathDir <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(dirname(fpath)))
#     destnDir <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(dirname(destn)))
#     # check target for existing file
#     if(!file.exists(fpath)){
#         warning("No file to move exists. Check argument fpath")
#         return(FALSE)
#     }
#     # check destn for existing file and user given overwrite flag
#     if(file.exists(destn)){
#         if(!overwrite){
#             warning("Did not move. Set overwrite = TRUE to overwrite file at destn")
#             return(FALSE)
#         }
#         # get ext to create temp file but make sure there are no dots in file
#         tmp <- stringr::str_split_fixed(basename(fpath), "\\.", n=2)
#         if(ncol(tmp) > 2)
#             stop("invalid filename. contains dots")
#         base <- tmp[[2]]
#         tmpfpath <- tempfile(tmpdir = fpathDir)
#         if(base != ""){
#             tmpfpath <- paste(tmpfpath, base, sep = ".")
#             bCopied <- file.copy(fpath, tmpfpath) # should never error
#             if(!bCopied){
#                 warning("error with copy during safe replacement of destn. No changes made")
#                 suppressWarnings(file.remove(tmpfpath))
#                 return(FALSE)
#             }
#             bRemoved <- file.remove(fpath)
#             if(!bRemoved){
#                 warning("problem removing old file. Changes reverted")
#                 file.remove(tmpfpath)
#                 return(FALSE)
#             }
#             return(file.rename(tmpfpath, fpath))
#         }
#     }
#     # file does not exist, but check existence of directory
#     # Create if it does not exist (unless usr set makedir=FALSE)
#     if(!isTRUE(file.info(destnDir)$isdir)){
#         if(!makedir){
#             warning("Destination directory does not exist and makedir set to FALSE")
#             return(FALSE)
#         }
#         dir.create(destnDir, recursive=TRUE)
#     }
#     return(file.rename(fpath, destn))
# }
# #' @describeIn BackendAuth A function to retrieve the locally stored access token
# github_pat <- function() {
#     pat <- Sys.getenv('GITHUB_PAT')
#     if (identical(pat, "")) {
#         stop("Please set env var GITHUB_PAT to your github personal access token",
#              call. = FALSE)
#     }
#     pat
# }

# #' @describeIn BackendAuth A function to authorize app through github
# #' @param reauth A boolean to indicating whether to reauthorize access (default = FALSE)
# #' @export
# deprecatGitAuth <- function(cache = TRUE){
#     # if(exists("gtoken", envir = authenv) && !reauth)
#     #     return(authenv$gtoken)
#     # if token already exists as environment variable
#     pat <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT", "")
#     # token is 396aa4dafc93b5de09d37113c5f0bb7d08adc3f5
#     if (!identical(pat, "")) {
#         gtoken <- httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("token ", pat))
#     }else if (!interactive()) {
#         stop("In non-interactive environments, please set GITHUB_PAT env to a GitHub",
#              " access token (https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use)",
#              call. = FALSE)
#     }
#     app <- GitApp()
#     endpt <- httr::oauth_endpoints("github")
#     access <- "read:org, user:email, write:public_key"
#     token <- httr::oauth2.0_token(endpt, app, scope = access, cache = cache)
#     # gtoken <- httr::config(token = token)
#     # assign("gtoken", gtoken, envir = authenv)
#     return(token)
# }

# DigitalOceanAPI <- function(...){
#     # Make this a structure as it will hold family of functions
#     # Idea is to create functions that parallelize common tasks at the vector level,
#     # then feed into a parallelization at the list level.
#     #
#     # For example, we can parallize running the function mean on multiple vectors,
#     # but what if each vector was also too large and required it's each distributed
#     # processing of the average?
#     # Uses Roboust R Client for DO API ----------------------------------------
#     # This function should be able to parallize at the local level if possible, and/or
#     # talk to DIGITALOCEAN API and serialize + send data over to an existing hadoop
#     # cluster. A seperate function will be created to spawn a new cluster with digitalocean
#     #
#     # Quick Description: An interface to hadoop that abstracts away any cluster installation
#     # or sys administration required, using the digitalocean api, for easy and quick
#     # distributed computing for common tasks on big data
#     #
#     # Needs: make it possible to spawn a new cluster all through an R function call, and
#     # then also make it easy to send a computation to the active node. This requires an
#     # updated (and possibly new) R hadoop interface, and creating a previously non-existent
#     # R client for digitalocean. User would have to have a digitalocean account, but spawning
#     # new clusters, monitoring computations, expanding, shutting down, tracking costs, will
#     # all be wrapped in user-friendly R function calls
#     #
#     # Applications:
#     # Creating models or algorithms that dynamically add nodes based on
#     # set conditions or in the case of accuracy or desired outcome potentially being affected by
#     # the size of a batch of data being processed (or even total execution time), apply unsupervised
#     # learning for a smart algorithm optimizes parameters of distributed computing to acheive
#     # better results. For example: if I need something done faster, and I'm willing to accept
#     # a higher cost, I can specify my ideal cost per minute, and the maximum minutes I'm willing to
#     # to wait until aborting. The algo would log meta data about it's how long it takes to process
#     # certain types of information and amount of information, and uses that in addition to users limits
#     # to (1) not execute if not possible to meet user's limits, or (2) warn the user that it was X
#     # pcnt likely that it would hit the ceiling but average processing time per minute would be
#     # Y more than desired.
#     # In the case of finance, if the algo believes that speed of processing and executing trades
#     # changes with certain finance events (one example is qtrly financial data dumps occuring for a
#     # set of frequently interchanging companies, or that learning whether frequency trades impacts
#     # the performance of a strategy, it has the power to dynamically adjust size of cluster
#     # and even optimize marginal increases in returns with processing power costs
#     # look up what the fastest mean function in R or Python is, and benchmark against
#     # base R and this function
# }
# #
# # github_api("/repos/bfatemi/sqlsauceauth/readme", auth)
# #
# # ll_all <- readRDS(destn)

#     Databases <- readRDS(destn)
#     # dat <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(r1$response, "text"))
#     # rawToChar(r1$content, multiple = TRUE)
#     # make destination path of data, check if file exists, clean replace if so
#     rawToChar(base64(dat$content, FALSE, "raw"))
#     cat(rawToChar(content(r1$response, as = "raw")))
#     auth$auth_token$app$key
#     writeLines(text = dat$content)), encode = FALSE, mode = "raw")
#     readRDS(writeLines(text = dat$content))
#     readBin(dat$content, what = "raw")
#     readRDS(dat$content)
#     dat$content
#     readRDS(dat$content)
# }
bfatemi/sqlsauce documentation built on May 12, 2019, 7:27 p.m.