  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Complexity of finding missing values

In this vignette we'll explore the bigo package by comparing the built-in anyNA with the user-defined function(x) any( According to ?anyNA, "The generic function anyNA implements any( in a possibly faster way (especially for atomic vectors)."


Below we set up the functions that we'll use in our benchmarking. fast and slow take one argument, n, which is the parameter we will evaluate for runtime complexity.


N <- c(NA, rnorm(1e8))
my_anyNA <- function(x) any(

benchmark_maker <- function(fun) {

  function(n) {
    x <- N[seq_len(n)]


fast <- benchmark_maker(fun = anyNA)
slow <- benchmark_maker(fun = my_anyNA)

Complexity analysis

We use bigo::bigo to conduct our analysis, measuring runtime on 10 evenly spaced values of n from 1e6 to 1e8.

complexity_grid <- 10 ^ seq(from = 6, to = 8, length.out = 10)
(fast_bigo <- bigo(f = fast, n = complexity_grid))
(slow_bigo <- bigo(f = slow, n = complexity_grid))

Notice that the objects have class bigo and have three elements: runtimes, function_name, and num_runs.


Let's plot these runtimes to get a sense for the general shape of the runtime growth. bigo provides an S3 plot method.


In this region, both plots look relatively linear, with the fast plot having lower runtime values in general. OLS on each of these datasets gives the following results.

fast_df <- fast_bigo[["runtimes"]]
slow_df <- slow_bigo[["runtimes"]]

lm(elapsed ~ n, data = fast_df) # anyNA
lm(elapsed ~ n, data = slow_df) # my_anyNA

For the built-in anyNA, we do observe a smaller slope, i.e. the user-defined function does scale more poorly as n grows (although only by a multiplicative constant). Let's see how this difference evolves over time.


slow_df %>%
  inner_join(fast_df, by = "n", suffix = c("_slow", "_fast")) %>%
  mutate(difference = elapsed_slow - elapsed_fast) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = n, y = difference)) +
    geom_line() +
    labs(title = "Runtime difference",
         subtitle = "my_anyNA - anyNA",
         y = "Difference (s)")

The underperformance of my_anyNA generally worsens as n increases, due to the smaller slope of anyNA.

bfgray3/bigo documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:27 p.m.