
Defines functions catto_loo.data.frame catto_loo loo_labeler

Documented in catto_loo

loo_labeler <- function(.grp, .y) {
    function(.i) mean_cattonum(.y[-.i][.grp[-.i] == .grp[.i]]),

#' Leave-one-out encoding
#' @param train The training data, in a `data.frame` or `tibble`.
#' @param ... The columns to be encoded.  If none are specified, then
#'   all character and factor columns are encoded.
#' @param response The response variable used to calculate means.
#' @param test The test data, in a `data.frame` or `tibble`.
#' @param verbose Should informative messages be printed?  Defaults to
#'   `TRUE`.
#' @return The encoded dataset in a `cattonum_df` if no test dataset was
#'   provided, and the encoded datasets in a `cattonum_df2` otherwise.
#' @examples
#' catto_loo(iris, response = Sepal.Length)
#' @export
catto_loo <- function(train,
                      response = NULL,
                      test = NULL,
                      verbose = TRUE) {

#' @export
# nolint start
catto_loo.data.frame <- function(train,
                                 # nolint end
                                 response = NULL,
                                 test = NULL,
                                 verbose = TRUE) {
  test_also <- !is.null(test)
  if (test_also) check_train_test(train, test)

  nms <- names(train)

  if (rlang::quo_is_null(enquo_response <- rlang::enquo(response))) {
    response <- nms[1L]
    if (verbose) {
        "`response` not supplied; using first column '",
        response, "' as the response variable."
  } else {
    response <- tidyselect::vars_select(nms, !!enquo_response)

  cats <- pick_cols(train, deparse(substitute(train)), ...)

  if (test_also) {
    # FIXME: unneccessarily encodes training data with means
    test <- catto_mean(train, cats, response = response, test = test)[["test"]]

  train[cats] <- lapply(train[cats], loo_labeler, .y = train[[response]])

  if (!test_also) {
  } else {
    cattonum_df2(train = train, test = test)
bfgray3/cattonum documentation built on Nov. 6, 2022, 11:33 a.m.