
# plotDatacube <- function(
#   ### visualize/plot an overview of a ncdf file
#   data.object         ##<< object to plot: file name or file.con object linking 
#                       ## to a ncdf file
#   , data = c()        ##<< array: data to plot. Can be passed to the function to
#                       ##   prevent the repeated loading of huge ncdf data.
#   , forth.dim = 0     ##<< position in possible forth dimension 
#                       ## (height, spectral band etc) to plot
#   , var.name = 'auto' ##<< character string: name of the variable to plot
#   , parallel = FALSE  ##<< logical: Whether to parallelize the computations.
#   , max.cores = 16    ##<< integer: maximum amount of cores to use for the
#                       ##   parallelized computations.
#   , n.series = 16     ##<< integer: amount of example series to plot
#   , lwd = 2           ##<< integer: graphical parameter, see ?par                     
#   , ...
# ) {
#   ##details<<
#   ## This function plots some overview statistics of a ncdf file.
#   ##\if{html}{\out{<img src="../doc/visualize_ncdf_demo.png" alt=
#   ##    "image ..visualize_ncdf_demo should be here"/>}}\ifelse{latex}{}{}
#   #TODO facilitade datacube input
#   #TODO include plotNLines capabilities
#   message('Preparing stuff ...\n')
#   # if (parallel) {
#   #   message('Registering cluster ...\n')
#   #   if (!exists('cl') || !inherits(cl, 'cluster')) {
#   #     cl <- makeCluster(max.cores)
#   #   }
#   # }  
#   if (class(data.object) == 'NetCDF') {
#     file.con   = data.object
#   } else {
#     file.con   = open.nc(data.object)
#     on.exit(close.nc(file.con))
#   }
#   if (var.name == 'auto')
#     var.name <- readNcdfVarName(file.con)
#   infoDims <- infoNcdfDims(file.con)
#   infoVars <- infoNcdfVars(file.con, dimvars = TRUE)
#   lat.name   <- infoDims$name[pmatch('lat', infoDims$name)]
#   long.name  <- infoDims$name[pmatch('lon', infoDims$name)]
#   dim.long   <- match(long.name, infoDims$name)
#   dim.lat    <- match(lat.name, infoDims$name)
#   dim.time   <- match('time', infoDims$name)
#   if (is.element(long.name, infoVars$name)) {
#     longitudes <- round(var.get.nc(file.con, long.name), digits = 0)
#   } else {
#     longitudes <-  1:infoDims[dim.long, 'length']
#   }
#   if (is.element(long.name, infoVars$name)) {
#     latitudes  <- round(var.get.nc(file.con, lat.name), digits = 0)  
#   } else {
#     latitudes  <-  1:infoDims[dim.lat, 'length']
#   }
#   if (is.element('time', infoVars$name)) {
#     time       <- readNcdfTime(file.con)
#   } else {
#     time  <-  1:infoDims[infoDims$name == 'time', 'length']
#   }
#   dims.par   <- infoDims$name[var.inq.nc(file.con, var.name)$dimids + 1]
#   ## sort dataframe
#   aperm.data <- pmatch(c('lat', 'lon', 'time'), dims.par)
#   if (length(data) == 0) {
#     message('Loading data ...\n')
#     data       <- var.get.nc(file.con, var.name)
#   }
#   message('Transposing datacube ...\n')
#   # special case of only one latitude and longitude
#   if( length(dim(data)) == 1) data <- array(data, dim = c(1L, 1L, length(data)))
#   if (length(forth.dim) > 1 || forth.dim != 0) {
#     aperm.data <- c(aperm.data, 4)
#     length.forth.dim <- dim(data)[4]
#   } else {
#     length.forth.dim <- 1
#   }
#   data.cube.unsort   <- aperm(data, aperm.data)
#   #
#   if (length(forth.dim) > 1 || forth.dim != 0) {
#     data.cube.sort   <- data.cube.unsort[
#       order(latitudes, decreasing = TRUE), order(longitudes), , , drop = FALSE]
#   } else {
#     data.cube.sort   <- data.cube.unsort[
#       order(latitudes, decreasing = TRUE), order(longitudes), , drop = FALSE]
#   }
#   data.cube.sort     <- array(
#     data.cube.sort, dim = c(dim(data.cube.sort)[1:3], length.forth.dim) ) 
#   ## calculate datacube info
#   message('Doing calculations ...\n')
#   #if (parallel) {
#   #  cube.info <- parApply(cl, data.cube.sort, c(1,2,4), getVecInfo)       
#   #} else {
#     cube.info <- apply(data.cube.sort, c(1,2,4), .getVecInfo)
#   #} 
#   dimnames(cube.info)[[1]] <- c(
#     'min', 'max', 'mean', 'sdev', 'ratio na', 'ratio inf')
#   if (dim(cube.info)[4] > 1) {
#     cube.info.agg      <- data.frame(
#       min = apply(cube.info['min',,,], 3, min, na.rm = TRUE),
#       max = apply(cube.info['max',,,], 3, max, na.rm = TRUE),
#       mean = apply(cube.info['mean',,,], 3, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
#       ratio.na = apply(cube.info['ratio na',,,], 3, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
#       series.empty = apply(cube.info['ratio na',,,], 3, function(x) 
#         sum(x == 1)) / prod(dim(data.cube.sort)[2:3]),
#       series.full = apply(cube.info['ratio na',,,], 3, function(x) 
#         sum(x == 0)) / prod(dim(data.cube.sort)[2:3]), 
#       series.gappy = apply(cube.info['ratio na',,,], 3, function(x) 
#         sum(x != 0 & x != 1)) / prod(dim(data.cube.sort)[2:3]))
#   } else {
#     cube.info.agg      <- data.frame(
#       min = min(cube.info['min',,,1], na.rm = TRUE),
#       max = max(cube.info['max',,,1], na.rm = TRUE),
#       mean = mean(cube.info['mean',,,1], na.rm = TRUE),
#       ratio.na = mean(cube.info['ratio na',,,1], na.rm = TRUE),
#       series.empty = sum(cube.info['ratio na',,,] == 1 ) / 
#         prod(dim(data.cube.sort)[2:3]),
#       series.full = sum(cube.info['ratio na',,,] == 0) / 
#         prod(dim(data.cube.sort)[2:3]), 
#       series.gappy = sum(
#         cube.info['ratio na',,,] != 0 & cube.info['ratio na',,,] != 1) / 
#         prod(dim(data.cube.sort)[2:3]))
#   }
#   message('Doing plots ...\n')
#   for (h in 1:length(forth.dim)) {
#     forth.dim.t = forth.dim[h]
#     if (length(forth.dim) == 1 && forth.dim == 0)
#       forth.dim.t <- 1
#     grids.valid <- which(
#       cube.info['ratio na', , ,forth.dim.t] < 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
#     ind.rand      <- round(runif(16, 1, dim(grids.valid)[1]), digits = 0)
#     ind.lat.orig  <- (1:length(latitudes))[order(latitudes, decreasing = TRUE)
#                                            ][grids.valid[ind.rand, 1]]
#     ind.long.orig <- (1:length(longitudes))[order(longitudes)
#                                             ][grids.valid[ind.rand, 2]]
#     ind.orig      <- matrix(NA, ncol = {
#       if (length(forth.dim) == 1) 3 else 4}, nrow = length(ind.rand))
#     if (length(forth.dim) == 1 && forth.dim == 0) {
#       colnames(ind.orig) <- c('lat', 'long', 'time')
#     } else {
#       colnames(ind.orig) <- c('lat', 'long', 'time', 'forth.dim')
#       ind.orig[,4]           <- forth.dim.t
#     }      
#     ind.orig[,'lat']  <- ind.lat.orig
#     ind.orig[,'long'] <- ind.long.orig
#     ind.orig[,'time']      <- '..'
#     if (length(forth.dim) > 1 || forth.dim != 0)
#       ind.orig[,4]           <- forth.dim.t
#     ## define color specs
#     col.palette <- colorRampPalette(c('blue', 'yellow', 'red'))
#     cols  <- rep(brewer.pal(ceiling(n.series/2), 'Set1'), times = 2)
#     lty  <- rep(c(1), each = ceiling(n.series/2)*2)
#     if (n.series > 8) {
#       cols <- rep(cols, each = 2)
#       lty  <- rep(c(1, 2), each = ceiling(n.series/2))
#     }
#     ## plot maps
#     z.range     <- range(cube.info[, , , forth.dim.t],na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
#     if (length(forth.dim) > 1 & names(dev.cur()) == 'null device' )
#       x11()        
#     layout(matrix(
#       c(2,4,6,8,10,12,1,3,5,7,9,11,13,13,13,13,13,13), byrow = TRUE,ncol = 6)
#       , heights = c(0.1,1,1))
#     par(tcl = 0.2, mgp = c(1, 0, 0), mar = c(2, 0, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 2, 4, 0))
#     pars.plot = c(
#       'min.data', 'max.data', 'mean.data', 'sdev.data', 'na.data', 'inf.data')
#     for (i in 1:length(pars.plot)) {
#       if (sum(!is.na(cube.info[i, , , forth.dim.t])) > 0 ) {
#         plotImageRotated(cube.info[i, , , forth.dim.t], row.vals = latitudes,
#             col.vals = longitudes, xlab = '', col = col.palette(60),
#             zlim = range(pretty(cube.info[i, , , forth.dim.t])), scale = FALSE)
#         if (i == 1) {
#           y <-  latitudes[order(latitudes, decreasing = TRUE)
#                           ][grids.valid[ind.rand[1:n.series], 1]]
#           x <-  longitudes[grids.valid[ind.rand[1:n.series], 2]]
#           points(x, y, cex = 4, pch = 17, col = cols[1:n.series])
#           text(x, y, 1:n.series, pos = 3)
#         }
#         plot.new()
#         color.legend(0, 0, 1, 1, rect.col = col.palette(20),
#             legend = format(
#               pretty(cube.info[i, , , forth.dim.t], digits = 5), scientific = -1)
#             , gradient = 'x', align = 'rb', cex = 0.7)
#       } else {
#         plot.new()
#         plot.new()
#       }   
#     } 
#     mtext(outer = TRUE, line = 0, side = 3, text = sub('.data', '', pars.plot)
#         , at = 1 / length(pars.plot) * (0:(length(pars.plot) - 1)) + 1 / 
#           (2 * length(pars.plot)))
#     mtext(outer = TRUE, side = 3, line = 1, cex = 3, text = paste(
#       'dim ', forth.dim.t))
#     ## plot example series
#     ind.series <-  array(FALSE, dim = dim(data.cube.sort)[1:2])
#     ind.series[as.matrix(data.frame(
#       a = grids.valid[ind.rand[1:n.series],1]
#       , b = grids.valid[ind.rand[1:n.series],2]))] = TRUE
#     plotBG(rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9))
#     data.cube.t <- data.cube.sort[,,,forth.dim.t]
#     if (cube.info.agg[forth.dim.t, 'series.empty'] != 1) {
#       ydata = t(array(data.cube.t[indexDatacube(
#         datacube = data.cube.t, logical.ind = ind.series, dims = c(1,2))]
#         , dim = c(length(time), n.series)))
#       plotNLines(
#         x.data = 1:length(time), y.data = ydata, option = 'stacked'
#         , colors = cols[1:n.series], scale = 0.35, ...)
#       tmp <- apply(ind.orig[1:n.series, ], MARGIN = 1, paste, collapse = ',')
#       legend(
#         'topright', legend = paste(1:n.series, tmp, sep = ': ')
#         , col = cols[1:n.series], lty = lty[1:n.series], lwd = 2
#         , bg = 'white', cex = par()$cex*2, ...)
#     }
#   }
#   message('Finished!\n')
#   ##value<<
#   ## some overview statistics of the different datacubes.
#   invisible(cube.info.agg)
# }
# .getVecInfo <- function(
#   ##title<< compute vector summary statistics
#   x ## << vector: input vector
# ) {
#   ##description<< This function computes several summary statistics of a vector.
#   # copied from JBTools to decrease dependencies
#   n.na      <- sum(is.na(x)) / length(x)
#   n.na.in   <- NA
#   if (n.na == 1) {
#     min.x     <- NA
#     max.x     <- NA
#     mean.x    <- NA
#     sd.x      <- NA
#     range.x   <- c(NA, NA)
#   } else {
#     range.x   <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
#     min.x     <- range.x[1]
#     max.x     <- range.x[2]
#     mean.x    <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
#     sd.x      <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
#     n.na.in <- sum(is.na(x[min(which(!is.na(x))):max(which(!is.na(x)))])) / 
#       length(x)
#   }
#   n.inf     <- sum(is.infinite(x)) / length(x)
#   out       <- c(min.x, max.x, mean.x, sd.x, diff(range.x), n.na, n.na.in, n.inf)
#   ##value<< vector with the vector statistics 
#   ## (min,  max, mean,  sdev, range, ratio na, ratio na inner,  ratio INF)
#   names(out) <- c(
#     'min', 'max', 'mean', 'sdev', 'range', 'ratio na'
#     , 'ratio na inner', 'ratio inf')
#   return(out)
# }  
bgctw/ncdfTools documentation built on Jan. 29, 2020, 1:16 p.m.