Man pages for bgreenawald/projmanr
Project Management Tools

critical_pathGenerate the critical path for a collection of related tasks
ganttCreates a Gantt chart of tasks in a project.
network_diagramCreates a network diagram of tasks in a project.
simulationRuns a simulation on project end time when certain tasks have...
taskdata1Small collection of sample tasks.
taskdata2Larger collection of sample tasks with hanging tasks.
taskdata3Collection of tasks with overlap for tasks in critical path.
taskdatauncertain1Larger collection of sample tasks with uncertainty in task...
taskdatauncertain2Larger collection of sample tasks with greater uncertainty in...
taskdatauncertain3Collection of tasks with uncertainty and overlap for tasks in...
bgreenawald/projmanr documentation built on Nov. 7, 2019, 4:37 p.m.