Man pages for bgreenwell/treemisc
Data Sets and Functions to Accompany "Tree-Based Methods for Statistical Learning in R"

banknoteSwiss banknote data
banknote2Swiss banknote data (UCI version)
calibrateExternal probability calibration
cummeanCumulative means
decision_boundaryAdd decision boundary to a scatterplot.
gbm_2wayTwo-way interactions
gen_friedman1Friedman benchmark data
gen_measeGenerate data from the Mease model
guide_setupGenerate GUIDE input files
hittersBaseball data (corrected)
isle_postImportance sampled learning ensemble
ladboostGradient tree boosting with least absolute deviation (LAD)...
liftGain and lift charts
load_eslmixGaussian mixture data
lsboostGradient tree boosting with least squares (LS) loss
mushroomMushroom edibility
predict.rforestRandom forest predictions
predict.rftreeModel predictions
proximityProximity matrix
prune_sePrune an 'rpart' object
rforestRandom forest
rftreeRandom forest tree
rrmRandom rotation matrix
suppressRegressionWarningSuppress randomForest() warning message
tree_diagramTree diagram
treemisc-packageData Sets and Functions to Accompany "Tree-Based Methods for...
wilson_hilfertyModified Wilson-Hilferty approximation
wineWine quality
xy_gridCreate a Cartesian product from evenly spaced values of two...
bgreenwell/treemisc documentation built on Oct. 26, 2022, 12:56 a.m.