Man pages for bgulbis/edwr
Standardized Functions for Working with Data from the EDW

add_patientsAdd all included patients to data frame
assign_classAssign edwr class type
assign_namesAssign desired names to columns
calc_crclCaculate the creatinine clearance
calc_leanbwCalculate the Lean Body Weight
calc_morph_eqCalculate morphine equivalents
calc_perctimeCalculate proportion of time above or below a threshold
calc_runtimeCalculate the running time for serial measurement data
calc_runtime_funPerforms the runtime calculation
check_pregnantIdentify pregnant patients
check_renameCheck if column names have already been renamed by read_data2
concat_encountersMake concatenated list of encounters
count_rowsbackCount the number of rows to go back in data frame
edwrStandardized Functions for Working with Data from the EDW
format_datesConvert date/time variables to POSIXct
is.tbl_edwrTest edwr-related classes
lab_changeDetermine if a lab changed by a set amount within a specific...
labsSample lab result data
make_indicationsMake warfarin indications
make_inr_rangesMake INR therapeutic ranges
med_class_lookupLookup medication class by medication generic name
med_lookupLookup medications by medication class
meds_contSample continuous medication data
meds_homeSample home medication data
meds_schedSample intermittent medication data
perctimeCalculate percent time above or below a threshold
read_dataRead data from csv files
read_data2Read data, automatically assign names and format dates
reclassKeep edwr class assignments
set_edwr_classConstruct edwr data types
set_id_nameSet the name of the id field based on data source
set_id_quoSet the name of the id field based on data source as a...
set_timezoneSet timezone based on data source
summarize_dataSummary calculations for serial measurement data
summary_funPerforms the summarize operation
tidy_dataTransform to a tidy data set
warfarinSample warfarin goal data
bgulbis/edwr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 8:22 p.m.