
clnr is the collection of experiments for a complete R package in order to clean character(for now) vectors by clustering and merging similar ones.

Inspired quite much from open refine project but aims to generalize and make cleaning tasks more reproducible. That being said, other types of data should be able to clean as well. Look at refinr package for only automated string cleaning

How is it useful?

Imagine we just have a new dataset just arrived and as usual first thing is to explore and clean the data.

# Load example character vector from clnr
# See how many unique values 
unique(candyhierarchy_localities) %>% length()
# [1] 460
# See most common values
sort(table(candyhierarchy_localities), decreasing = TRUE) %>% head(5)
# candyhierarchy_localities
# California         CA   Illinois      Texas    Ontario 
#        153         89         68         63         59 
candyhierarchy_localities_cleaned <- clean(candyhierarchy_localities, ask_user = F)
# Main modifications are as following:
# # A tibble: 133 x 3
#    s          fingerprint final_value_to_keep
#    <chr>      <chr>       <chr>              
#  1 ca         ca          CA                 
#  2 california california  California         
#  3 ontario    ontario     Ontario            
#  4 Ca         ca          CA                 
#  5 ma         ma          MA                 
#  6 Ny         ny          NY                 
#  7 Wa         wa          WA                 
#  8 ny         ny          NY                 
#  9 wa         wa          WA                 
# 10 oregon     oregon      Oregon             
# # … with 123 more rows
unique(candyhierarchy_localities_cleaned) %>% length()
# See how many unique values 
# [1] 327
# See most common values
sort(table(candyhierarchy_localities_cleaned), decreasing = TRUE) %>% head(5)
# candyhierarchy_localities_cleaned
# California         CA    Ontario   Illinois      Texas 
#        171        128         79         72         71 

Things to come:

Thanks for feedback and contribution

bhakyuz/clnr documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 7:16 a.m.