
#' @include AllClasses.R
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @include AllConstructors.R

# minid slot getters -------------------------------
#' @describeIn identifier getter method for the identifier slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("identifier", "minid", function(x) x@identifier)

#' @describeIn short_identifier getter method for the short_identifier slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("short_identifier", "minid", function(x) x@short_identifier)

#' @describeIn creator getter method for the creator slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("creator", "minid", function(x) x@creator)

#' @describeIn orcid getter method for the orcid slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("orcid", "minid", function(x) x@orcid)

#' @describeIn created getter method for the created slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("created", "minid", function(x) x@created)

#' @describeIn checksum getter method for the checksum slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("checksum", "minid", function(x) x@checksum)

#' @describeIn checksum_function getter method for the checksum_function slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("checksum_function", "minid", function(x) x@checksum_function)

#' @describeIn status getter method for the status slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("status", "minid", function(x) x@status)

#' @describeIn locations getter method for the locations slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("locations", "minid", function(x) x@locations)

#' @describeIn titles getter method for the titles slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("titles", "minid", function(x) x@titles)

#' @describeIn obsoleted_by getter method for the obsoleted_by slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("obsoleted_by", "minid", function(x) x@obsoleted_by)

#' @describeIn content_key getter method for the content_key slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("content_key", "minid", function(x) x@content_key)

# configuration slot getters -------------------------------
#' @describeIn server getter method for the server slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("server", "configuration", function(x) x@server)

#' @describeIn user getter method for the user slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("user", "configuration", function(x) x@user)

#' @describeIn email getter method for the email slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("email", "configuration", function(x) x@email)

#' @describeIn orcid getter method for the orcid slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("orcid", "configuration", function(x) x@orcid)

#' @describeIn code getter method for the code slot
#' @import methods
setMethod("code", "configuration", function(x) x@code)
bheavner/minidtools documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 4:05 a.m.