Man pages for biggis-project/soh
Hotspot analysis and stability metrics

eval_child_parent_dirEvaluation metric (child -> parent)
eval_parent_child_dirEvaluation metric (child -> parent)
GetisOrdGetis-Ord G* statistics using a weight matrix. Data on the...
GetisOrdLocalStatsLocality-aware Getis-Ord G* statistics.
GetisOrdStandardStatsStandard Getis-Ord G* statistics.
interpolate_colortableHelper functon to generates a color table.
plot_color_tablePlots a color table (useful for debugging). Uses raster for...
plot_temp_mapThis function is suitable for plotting raw temperatures...
plot_weight_matrixRenders a plot showing the given weight matrix.
plot_zscoreThis function is suitable for plotting zscores encoded as a...
sigmoidHelper function used in 'sigmoid_falloff'. See example.
sigmoid_falloffHelper function which produces a smooth transition from 1 to...
weight_matrix_circularCircular shape with a sharp falloff at the edge.
weight_matrix_circular_fadeCircular shape with sigmoid falloff at the edge.
weight_matrix_squaredJust a simple square matrix.
biggis-project/soh documentation built on May 12, 2019, 8:30 p.m.