Man pages for billspat/bayesrun
simplified management of Azure resources to run R code

azure_checkazure_setup.R DRAFT functions to simplify set up Azure...
delete_deployment_resourcesDelete all the resources created by a deployment of a vm This...
deleteResourcesByNamedelete all resources with names that match a pattern
get_containerget the container object
get_rguse global options or optional string parameter to get an...
get_storget the storage account object
get_subget the azure subscription object for the given sub id value...
get_vmget the desired vm, if it exists
new_rgCreate a new resource group, set it to the azurerg option
set_azure_loginaccess an existing login to azure or create a new one if a...
set_azure_optionsread azure defaults from the environment to set package...
set_storage_accountset options for the azure storage account to use for this...
vm_from_templateLaunch a vm from a template file and a extension file...
billspat/bayesrun documentation built on March 20, 2021, 11:15 p.m.