Man pages for biocodellc/fimsR-access
Functions for Fetching 'GeOMe-db' Data

fasterqDumpDownload or convert fastq data from NCBI Sequence Read...
fastqDumpDownload or convert fastq data from NCBI Sequence Read...
geomedbgeomedb - an R package for querying metadata and associated...
listEntitiesGet a list of entities (i.e. tables) available to query
listExpeditionsGet a list of expeditions for a GEOME project
listLociGet a list of loci that are stored in FASTA format directly...
listProjectsGet a list of projects in GEOME
prefetchDownload data from NCBI Sequence Read Archive in .sra format...
queryMetadataQuery metadata from the GEOME database.
querySangerQuery Sanger sequences directly from the GEOME database
biocodellc/fimsR-access documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 1:56 a.m.