Man pages for biopackathon/MSEADbi
DBI to construct MSEA-related package

columnsA function to return the columns of MSEA that user can...
dbconnA function to return the connection to sqlite3 file
dbfileA function to return the directory that the sqlite3 file...
dbInfoA function to return the database information
dbschemaA function to return the schema of sqlite-database
keysA function defined by AnnotationDbi to return the keys
keytypesA function to return the columns that user can specified in...
makeMSEAPackageMaking MSEADb packages from corresponding table as single...
MSEADbMSEADb objects
mseaListPathwaySubjectsA function to return the subject of pathways used in the...
mseaNomenclatureA function to return the scientific name
mseaPackageNameA function to return the package name
mseaVersionA function to return the MSEA data source version of package
selectselect function defined by AnnotationDbi-class
speciesA function to return the name of organism
biopackathon/MSEADbi documentation built on Oct. 22, 2020, 12:44 p.m.