# reference https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54441565/grid-layout-in-an-r-markdown

defChunkHook <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("chunk")

knitr::knit_hooks$set(chunk = function(x, options) {
  x <- defChunkHook(x, options)

  if(!is.null(options$multi.col)) {
    # wrap div around output chunks
    x <- gsub("(\n\`\`\`\n##.*?\`\`\`)", "<div>\\1\n</div>", x)

    # wrap div around plots
    x <- gsub("(<img.*?>)", "<div>\\1\n</div>", x)

    # get the number of div elements created
    ncol <- nrow(stri_locate_all(x, regex = "<div.*?>")[[1]])

    # add the width to the divs
    x <- gsub("<div>", paste0("<div style=\"width:", 100/ncol,"%;\">"), x)  

    # wrap the mother div around all of the output
    x <- paste0(
      "<div class=\"multi-col\" style=\"display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-start;\">\n", 


bit2r/BitStat documentation built on Nov. 8, 2022, 4:17 p.m.